
Tinnitus and tinnitus: expert opinion

Tinnitus (scientifically tinnitus) is a common complaint in patients. Ringing is not a separate disease in itself, but a symptom of the pathology of the nervous, cardiovascular systems or the organ of hearing. The sound heard in the ear can be varied: clicks, noise, ringing. The reasons can be either of a nervous origin or associated with a disruption of the ENT organs. In any case, do not put off going to a specialist, because this symptom can be a sign of life-threatening conditions.

Why does tinnitus appear and what is the mechanism of this phenomenon?

In the human body, during its work, somatic sounds are created - breathing, heartbeat, movement of joints, muscle contraction. They are normally inaudible because they are muffled by external noises. But under some circumstances, these sounds become available to the patient, for example:

  • with heightened perception of normal noise;
  • with a sharp increase in them;
  • in the event of pathological noise.

The mechanism behind the sensation of humming or other sounds is not fully understood. There is evidence that the reason is in the defeat or irritation of the receptors that perceive excitation as a sound signal. It is delivered by a nerve to the brain, which cannot decipher it. Because of this, the hum is accompanied by a sense of anxiety, danger.

The cause of this symptom may be:

  • vascular pathology (tumors, aneurysms, malformations);
  • pathology of the temporomandibular joint;
  • inflammatory diseases in the ear;
  • Meniere's syndrome;
  • lesions of the auditory nerve;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The appearance of a symptom with different pressure indicators: what is the reason?

All patients experience noise of different intensity and nature. Sometimes it is short-term (transient) and does not require special treatment. But persistent ringing should force the patient to be examined, because its long duration can have unpleasant consequences:

  • depression, irritability;
  • inability to concentrate on work;
  • disability.

Quite often, patients with abnormalities in the work of the cardiovascular system have complaints of noise in the head. It has been noticed that ringing in the ears and pressure are closely related. This symptom appears due to the uneven distribution of blood in the vessels near the auditory nerve and inner ear during blood pressure surges.

Increased blood pressure

High blood pressure and tinnitus are often related. In case of hypertension, in addition to ringing, there may be complaints such as headache, flashing of flies before the eyes, discomfort in the region of the heart. Since the vessels in this condition are not elastic, then with a jump in pressure, the blood hits the walls of the arteries with greater force and there is a feeling of hum in the ears, excessive pulsation.

The condition worsens atherosclerosis in the vessels of the brain, when its blood circulation and adequate nutrition are impaired. Pressure surges and atherosclerosis increase the risk of ischemic strokes.

Low pressure

Low pressure and noise in the head are not as dangerous as with hypertension, but they also cause discomfort and worsen the quality of life. With hypotension, the blood flow in the arteries and the brain, as well as internal organs, weaken, experience oxygen starvation, the metabolism slows down, the functions of many body systems are disrupted. Ringing and congestion in the ears is accompanied by dizziness, general weakness, blurred vision, nausea, and blurred consciousness.

Normal indicators

Tinnitus at normal pressure indicates the presence of other conditions. For example, meteorological people may have a buzzing sound. These patients experience changes in the body under the influence of atmospheric pressure, headache, irritability, and sleep problems. Symptoms are aggravated in the presence of chronic diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia. The cause of the appearance of tinnitus is a spasm or dilatation of blood vessels, a violation of adaptation processes.

In addition, noise is present when the intracranial pressure changes. The cause of this pathology is a violation of the circulation and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (with head injuries, neuroinfections, tumors, hydrocephalus, poisoning with toxic substances). With increased intracranial pressure, the volume of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain increases, and they squeeze other structures, disrupting their functions.

How to deal with discomfort?

At first, patients may not pay attention to tinnitus and head noises, but with the progression of the underlying disease, these complaints become more intense and worsen the quality of life. In some cases, the sound is so intrusive that it prevents a person from sleeping, concentrating on work or other tasks, and depletion of the body occurs.

Since tinnitus is not a diagnosis, but a symptom, the cause must be addressed. It is important not to self-medicate, but if complaints arise, consult a doctor and perform diagnostic measures, because ringing in the ears can be a sign of a pathology of the nervous system, a tumor process, and circulatory disorders.

With hypertension, it is important to keep the pressure level not higher than 140/90 mm Hg. For this, antihypertensive drugs are used: diuretics, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, sartans or calcium channel blockers. It is also recommended to take statins, which reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. With occasional slight increases in pressure or with vegetative dystonia of the hypertensive type, herbal preparations, folk remedies based on valerian, motherwort, mint, hawthorn can be used.

With low blood pressure, it is recommended to take tonic drinks, for example, coffee or strong tea, hot hibiscus. From pharmaceuticals, caffeine tablets, tincture of Eleutherococcus or ginseng are effective.

In addition to drug treatment, it is necessary to eat rationally, avoid stressful situations, experience moderate physical activity, and massage. All these activities are aimed at strengthening the circulatory and nervous systems, making them more resistant to external stimuli.

If other diseases are the cause of tinnitus, consultation with an ENT specialist, a neurologist is necessary. With infectious processes, it is possible to prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs. If there is a neoplasm, then the doctor may suggest surgical treatment.


Prolonged tinnitus and head noises can be caused by various medical conditions. Some of them are not life-threatening, but the symptoms greatly affect the patient's well-being, while others can lead to serious complications if treatment is not started in a timely manner.

The most common cause of tinnitus is changes in blood pressure, both high and low. When symptoms appear, a doctor's consultation is needed, who will prescribe additional examinations, help establish the cause of the ailment and prescribe the necessary treatment.