
The use of Corvalol in children

Can Corvalol be used in children?

The drug works due to the presence of such components:

  • phenobarbital reduces the irritant effect on the brain and, depending on the size of the dose and the frequency of administration, causes hypnotic, sedative or tranquilizing effects;
  • ethyl ester of β-bromisovaleric acid exhibits a sedative effect by influencing receptors mainly in the oral cavity and nasopharynx, as well as a local spasmolytic effect on vascular muscles;
  • peppermint oil reflexively expands mainly blood vessels in the heart and brain, causes a sedative and small choleretic effect, eliminates flatulence, and enhances bowel function.

Corvalol is generally well accepted and rarely has side effects that can be easily eliminated with dose adjustment. Therefore, the drug can be used in pediatric practice. Corvalol for a child is prescribed with an increased tone of the nervous system, tachycardia, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, anxiety and emotional overexcitation. It is also effectively used for vegetative-vascular dystonia, which manifests itself as discomfort in the region of the heart, periodic pressure surges, headaches.

Do not forget that the use of Corvalol can cope with the symptoms of these diseases, but does not eliminate the cause. Therefore, it is not worth prescribing treatment on your own, it is imperative to undergo examinations and consult a doctor.

In addition, you need to remember about situations when Corvalol is contraindicated for children:

  • disruption of the liver and kidneys;
  • low blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions or intolerance to the components that are part of the drug;
  • simultaneous use with other medicines that affect the nervous system.

Use of Corvalol in newborns and infants

Despite the relative harmlessness of the drug, Corvalol is prescribed to newborns quite rarely and with great caution. Parents sometimes give medicine for baby anxiety, poor sleep, and frequent painful colic. Also used at elevated body temperature (for example, after vaccination), with intestinal spasm.

It must be remembered that Corvalol is used for children only in drops. This form of release of the drug contains ethyl alcohol, therefore, frequent uncontrolled use in an infant is very dangerous for health: the appearance of allergies, intoxication, drug dependence is possible.

Pediatricians do not recommend taking Corvalol to children under 12 years of age, but in some cases they are prescribed from 3 years of age. For young children, there are other, safer drugs that can cope with the problem of anxiety, spasm, and hyperthermia.

Doses applied

Corvalol is available in tablets and drops. Older children after 12 years of age can take it in tablets (it is recommended not to drink them with water, but to dissolve) one 3 times a day or, for example, only during an attack of pain in the heart or an increase in pressure. The tablet preparation is more convenient to use, you do not need to carry water with you and count the number of drops.

Corvalol drops are given to children, it is much more convenient, especially for babies. The dose is calculated by age - 1 drop per year of life. For example, if the child is 5 years old, then the dose will consist of 5 drops. The drug can be dripped onto a small piece of sugar or dissolved in 30-40 milliliters of liquid, preferably with water. The substance is rapidly absorbed into the mucous membrane of the mouth and begins to act within 5-10 minutes. The duration of the effect lasts 3-6 hours.

The duration and frequency of taking Corvalol is decided only by the doctor. Self-medication, an uncontrolled increase in the dose and duration of the drug can lead to overdose. Its common signs are:

  • hemorrhagic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • deterioration of intestinal motility and, as a result, constipation;
  • the composition includes bromine (in the form of a-bromisovaleric acid), with its intoxication, drowsiness, apathy, depression appear;
  • damage to the mucous membranes: vasomotor rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • damage to the nervous system in the form of memory impairment, speech impairment, attention.


Corvalol is safe enough, has no side effects at the correct dose, the drug. It is used in the complex treatment of problems of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as a symptomatic remedy for insomnia, pain.

The drug is used not only in adults, but also in adolescents and young children. Indications for use, the duration of therapy and the dose of Corvalol for children are determined by a pediatrician or cardiologist. If side effects or symptoms of an overdose, allergic reactions appear, you should immediately stop taking the drug and seek medical help.