
Use of Corvalol when breastfeeding

Can Corvalol be taken by a nursing mother?

Corvalol is used for pain in the heart and emotional upheaval, however, its composition is not at all harmless, and can force you to withdraw the drug from your personal first-aid kit.

Phenobarbital contained in Corvalol belongs to the group of Barbiturates, has a nonspecific depressing effect on the nervous system. In addition to sedative and tranquilizing effects, the drug has vasodilating and antispasmodic effects. It tends to cause drug addiction with prolonged uncontrolled use, and if the maximum dose is exceeded, deep suppression of the central nervous system (CNS) and respiration is possible.

Ethyl ester of alpha-bromovaleric acid reflexively affects the receptors of the mucous membrane of the mouth and nasopharynx, thereby increasing the threshold of CNS excitability and increasing the inhibition of neurons in the cortex and nuclei of the brain (subcortex). Long-term use leads to intoxication with bromine.

In addition to active substances, the composition of the drug, as an auxiliary base, includes 96% ethyl alcohol.

For a woman, a single dose of Corvalol will not do any harm. However, all the components of the drug actively penetrate into breast milk during feeding, and the child passively uses the drug that he does not need at all. The effect of phenobarbital is especially pronounced - the baby becomes lethargic and drowsy, up to respiratory arrest due to the suppression of the nerve centers in the brain. In this case, it is very difficult to restore the function of external respiration on your own. There is also evidence that long-term intake of low doses of phenobarbital leads to disruption of the cortex, and therefore to developmental delays.

Nevertheless, it will be fair to note that Phenobarbital, as a stimulant of liver enzymes, is used by neonatologists (pediatricians of newborns) to treat jaundice caused by the breakdown of red blood cells in a child's blood. But in this case, the doctor calculates the correct dosage and duration of admission, and the baby is constantly monitored.

If you are worried about anxiety, irritability, decreased resistance to stress - contact your general practitioner or antenatal clinic. Such symptoms may be the first signs of postpartum depression, which should be brought under control as early as possible. The lactation period is a difficult, but joyful time for a woman, and it becomes normal to ask for help from relatives and doctors. An obstetrician-gynecologist will help you choose an anti-stress drug that does not penetrate into breast milk, for example, Persen, Novopassit, Glicised, Valerian, Alora.

If the pain in the heart is associated with the pathology of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to immediately diagnose and prescribe a treatment that affects the cause, and not the symptoms.

The criteria for selecting a medicine is the absence of alcohol in the composition and the mildest effect.

Remember that during lactation it is best to abstain from drug therapy unless it is urgently needed.

Features of use and dose

If you nevertheless decide to take Corvalol during lactation, make sure that you will not breastfeed for two days - this is how long it takes for phenobarbital to be removed from the mother's body. At the same time, this process will take 7 days for the baby!

To maintain lactation, it is necessary to express regularly, and the child must prepare adapted milk formulas. Also, do not engage in activities that require performance of work with increased concentration and rapid mental reactions, such as driving a car.

It is necessary to avoid the simultaneous use of alcoholic beverages.

If, after using the drug, the pain in the heart has not decreased, it is worth taking a nitroglycerin tablet, and if it also does not give an effect, seek medical help.

Corvalol is taken on a lump of sugar, or dissolved in water, 2-3 times a day, 15-30 drops. It is not recommended to exceed this dose.


Corvalol with HB is not the best choice. When choosing a medicine, the interests of the child must always be taken into account and the arguments "for and against" must be weighed. This drug is not only able to depress the baby's respiratory function, but also suppress his mental development.

At the moment, Corvalol is not prescribed to a nursing mother to eliminate stress and pain in the heart, being limited to herbal sedatives, as well as non-drug methods.