
Treatment of high eye pressure at home

Eye diseases are quite common, as many people are constantly sitting with their eyes on their phones or computers. Constant tension leads to an increase in ocular pressure. In medicine, it is called ophthalmotonus. If you do not pay attention to the problem immediately, then visual acuity will begin to decrease. Treatment of eye pressure at home is quite possible. It includes physiotherapy exercises, drug therapy and folk recipes.

Increased intraocular pressure can be temporary and permanent. In the first case, the problem is physical and mental overload or stress experienced. However, after rest, ophthalmotonus mostly returns to normal. If the pressure is constant, then glaucoma gradually develops. It mainly occurs in mature people after 45 years of age due to hormonal disruptions and heart and kidney disease.

Ophthalmotone can be determined using the following methods:

  • Pneumotonometry. A stream of air is directed to the eye. The final result is shown on the display of the device.
  • Tonometry. A load painted in harmless paint is placed on the surface of the eyeball. Due to its weight, it is pressed in and leaves a mark, according to the brightness of which the pressure is estimated.

Focusing on the distinctive features, namely dryness, burning sensation and pain in the eyes, anyone can suspect they have high ophthalmotonus. You can check it at home and you don't need to buy anything for this. It is enough to close the eyelids and lightly press on top with your finger. The results can be as follows:

  • An elastic eyeball, slightly pressed inward, indicates that everything is normal.
  • A hard eyeball that does not move is a sign of high blood pressure.
  • A soft eyeball, easily squeezed through, most often indicates a low ophthalmotonus.

Home therapy course

Increased eye pressure is often secondary. It can manifest itself due to other diseases, for example, a tumor, an injury or pathology, which is characterized by an inflammatory process. In this case, first you need to eliminate the main problem, since it will not be possible to relieve eye pressure at home without this. Against the background of the treatment of the primary cause, ophthalmotonus gradually normalizes.

In other cases, increased intraocular pressure can be cured using the following methods:

  • drug treatment;
  • folk recipes;
  • physiotherapy.

It is difficult to completely remove increased eye pressure with folk remedies, so they must be combined with medicines.

To improve the effect and relieve the load on the eyes, it is better to combine the main treatment with gymnastics, especially with sedentary work. However, experts recommend that you consult a doctor before starting a course of therapy at home. He will tell you how to treat eye pressure without hurting yourself and advise on the most effective techniques.

Medicines for the normalization of ophthalmotonus

To understand how to lower eye pressure at home with medication, take a look at this list:

  • Beta-blockers. They are created primarily on the basis of timolol. The function of beta-blockers is to reduce the synthesis of fluid inside the eye. Among the drops from this group are "Timolol" and "Kumol".
  • Antiglaucoma medicines. Drugs from this group promote better fluid excretion, and basically have one active ingredient - latanoprost. Among them, Travatan and Glauprost are most often appointed.
  • Cholinomimetics. The essence of their action is to narrow the pupil and improve the outflow of accumulated fluid in the eye, due to which the eye pressure decreases. "Pilocarpine" stands out from this group.
  • Combined exposure medications. They combine several main active ingredients and allow you to quickly bring down high ophthalmotonus. Among them, the most commonly used are "Fotil" and "Cosopt".
  • Omega-3. It is a set of fatty amino acids that help saturate the eye tissue with beneficial substances and prevent an increase in ophthalmotonus. Omega-3 is sold in the form of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, for example, "Vitrum Cardio Omega-3". You can get it from food by eating fatty fish.

If the problem is diabetes or hypertension, then a specialist may prescribe taking pills to stabilize blood pressure and glucose. In some cases, diuretics (diuretics) are used to remove excess moisture from the body, as this will reduce ophthalmotonus.

Folk recipes

Even a doctor will not be able to say for sure how to reduce eye pressure using folk methods, because they themselves are ineffective in treating this problem. Such methods must be combined with the main course of therapy and only after consultation with a specialist. He will be able to assess the possible risk and advise on the best solution. The following folk remedies for eye pressure are mainly used:

  • Woodlice tincture. The medicine has a rather harsh taste, so it is better to drink it. You need to drink 50 ml 2 times a day. For cooking, you need to take 500 ml of woodlice juice, 50 ml of alcohol and mix them in one container. Put the prepared mixture in a dark place for 2-3 days.
  • Herbal cocktail. It includes parsley, carrot and beetroot juice in equal proportions and 2-3 drops of oil, preferably olive oil. You need to drink 1 glass a day.
  • Blueberry. It lowers blood pressure well, especially when taken regularly. Berries can be consumed neat or prepared as a decoction.
  • Chicory. It can be used instead of coffee or tea as the main drink. It is sold both in pure form for cooking decoctions, and in soluble form.
  • Rowan and currant tea. Their leaves must be taken in equal parts and covered with boiling water. The finished medicine will be no worse than any other tea to your liking, and will normalize ophthalmotonus.
  • Onion juice. It can be used as a treatment for high intraocular pressure, but only diluted with water and honey in equal parts.
  • Baked eggs with honey. Such an unusual recipe effectively helps to normalize ophthalmotonus. First you need to boil a regular chicken egg and cut it in half. Then 1 tsp. honey is poured into each half and put into the oven. The egg will have to be baked for 20-30 minutes, and then the liquid that has accumulated in it can be used in the form of drops. You need to drip the medicine into the eyes no more than 1 time per day.

Treatment with folk remedies implies long-term use (at least a month) of the selected recipe.

If any side effects occur, its use should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted.


Many people sit in front of the computer for hours without interruption to rest. Usually, such a rhythm of life leads to an increase in intraocular pressure and a decrease in vision. If you do not do anything for a long time, then glaucoma will begin to develop. Simple eye relaxation exercises that can be combined with traditional medicine and medications can help avoid this. The course of remedial gymnastics is as follows:

  • Blink quickly for 1 minute, and then repeat the exercise at a medium pace.
  • Drive closed eyes in a circle and diagonally for about 1 minute, and then open them and repeat the exercise.
  • Look at the object in front of you. Then look into the distance.The exercise should be repeated 4-5 times.
  • Close your eyes and slowly draw a rectangle, circle and square with them.
  • Begin to actively wiggle your fingers, stretching your arms forward. Gradually it is necessary to push them towards you, without taking your eyes off this process. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Experts recommend taking an eye contrast shower every day. To do this, you need to direct a stream of water into your eyes and alternately switch the temperature from warm to cool. It is better to perform the procedure in the morning. If you do this every day, then the vessels in the eyeballs are well toned and the pressure normalizes.

Recommendations for the treatment of eye pressure

To make the treatment more effective, experts advise remembering the following recommendations:

  • For sleeping, you need to choose a comfortable pillow, for example, an orthopedic pillow, so that the head remains in a slightly elevated position.
  • Lighting during work should always be good. In this case, the eyes will not strain too much.
  • Take a break every hour to do a light warm-up for your eyes. If you work at a computer, then you can use tear substitutes like "System Ultra" 2-3 times a day to prevent them from drying out.
  • It is better to limit trips to cinemas and any other darkened rooms where you need to look into the distance for a long time.
  • It is advisable to always leave your neck open for free circulation, that is, do not use bow ties, ties, tight sweaters, etc.
  • When cleaning, cooking, repairing and other activities, you should avoid bending forward, as intraocular pressure may increase.
  • To control ophthalmotonus, it is advisable to buy a special tonometer.
  • Bad habits disrupt blood circulation, so you will have to completely abandon them.
  • The amount of fluid consumed per day should not exceed 2 liters. and it is advisable to give up strong tea, coffee and excessive amounts of salt.
  • Emotional distress should be reduced as much as possible.
  • You need to enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits to get all the necessary vitamins.
  • You need to take a walk every day, especially before bed. In addition, it does not hurt to go to the pool, start running and do other sports.
  • Massage the eyes and neck daily to normalize blood circulation and relieve tension.


If an increase in ophthalmotonus is caused by overwork and the patient quickly took the necessary measures, then the prognosis is usually positive. In the absence of any action, the disease will develop and glaucoma may manifest. In patients with this diagnosis, the chances of recovery with timely admission to the hospital are 75-80%. In other cases, complete blindness often occurs in one or two eyes at once.

Home treatment of eye pressure is possible, but only under the supervision of a doctor and after a detailed examination. After completing the course of therapy, you must definitely see an ophthalmologist.

He will check the ophthalmotonus and, if necessary, advise on other methods of solving the problem.