
New generations of drugs for hypertension - modern drugs for blood pressure

Medicines are being improved every year. Modern pharmaceuticals offers a huge selection of medicines that can not only fight the disease, but also eliminate many internal factors that predispose to the appearance of pathology. Which drugs are better: time-tested or new generation drugs? Which companies make the drugs? This information is extremely important in choosing the right treatment.

Important information

New generation of hypertension pills can fight high blood pressure much more effectively than outdated drugs. Previously, the problem required the appointment of a whole range of drugs, each of which performed a specific task. New generation drugs allow the patient not to drink a lot of pills. The pressure-lowering substances have become more powerful and their therapeutic effect more pronounced.

Today, it is enough to take one drug, which will provide a stable reduction in blood pressure at home, since one tablet contains a whole range of active ingredients.

Medicines for hypertension of the latest generation are created in such a way that they are able to act on the patient's body in many ways, lowering blood pressure quickly and safely. In addition, the newest means for normalizing this indicator have a number of additional improved properties.

With hypertension, a headache occurs. This symptom is very unpleasant and does not always go away under the influence of medication. Often, drugs for high blood pressure cope with their task, lowering this indicator, and the pain syndrome remains. Few know why a headache can arise from a rise. There are many reasons for this symptomatology. Doctors identify several factors that provoke discomfort:

  1. Vascular. Under hypertension, there is a violation of the tone of the veins and blood vessels in the brain. In a healthy person, their narrowing and expansion controls the compensatory mechanism at the reflex level. In hypertensive patients, the arterial walls contract and remain in this state for a long time, so a headache appears, often felt in the back of the head, which may be accompanied by vomiting and nausea. Drugs that reduce blood pressure do not always cope with the elimination of pain syndrome; additional medications are required.
  2. Liquor. In this case, pain appears from increased pressure for a long time. This situation provokes a severe headache, since the cerebral fluid begins to press on the walls of the ventricles of the brain. When symptoms occur, the patient feels pain in the back of the head. If the pressure level remains elevated for a long time, then pain can spread over the entire surface of the head and be accompanied by nausea, weakness, and vomiting. New generation antihypertensive drugs are not always able to cope with this problem. The danger of this condition is that if you do not start treating a person on time, then cerebral edema may develop, the signs of which are severe dizziness and total loss of consciousness.
  3. Ischemic. Spasm of the cerebral vessels, which occurs with an increase in blood pressure, can provoke the development of oxygen starvation, which is manifested by head pain and other unpleasant symptoms. Vomiting, darkening in the eyes, impaired consciousness and other signs join. Modern drugs for the treatment of hypertension can cope with this situation and get rid of its consequences.
  4. Neuralgic. High arterial parameters increase the pressure inside the skull, which can greatly irritate the nerve endings, causing shooting pain that radiates to other parts of the body (more often to the temples or eyes).

If the disease is not treated, then over time the pain in the head will become excruciating and constant. Drugs that lower blood pressure are always necessary for hypertensive patients, they must be taken daily, otherwise complications (heart attack, stroke, TIA) cannot be avoided.

About manufacturing companies

There are pharmaceutical companies that hold leading positions in the production of new generation pressure drugs. List of the most popular drug manufacturers for hypertension:

  1. Servier - France.
  2. Pfizer - USA.
  3. Abbott - USA.
  4. Berlin-Chemie - Germany.
  5. Gedeon Richter - Switzerland.
  6. "TEVA" - Israel.
  7. "Krka" - Slovenia.
  8. Egis - Hungary.
  9. Farmak - Ukraine.

In fact, there are a lot of companies producing modern drugs for lowering blood pressure. However, certain pharmaceutical manufacturers are particularly popular. They have won people's trust thanks to the quality of their products and adherence to fresh trends in science. Continuous improvement of technology (drug "Polypill") allows hypertensive patients to keep their blood pressure in the norm without taking too many pills. Such effective drugs are considered innovative.

Russian pharmaceutical companies are not losing popularity, since they are not far behind foreign competitors. The action of domestic antihypertensive drugs allows you to count on a good effect and a minimum number of adverse reactions. The cost of such drugs is much lower, which leads to widespread demand.

New drugs

Modern medicines for hypertension consist of substances with proven effectiveness. Previously, patients were forced to drink 10 or more tablets per day. Today, antihypertensive medications can reduce drug use. The main methods of treatment have also undergone changes, since the disease has become more studied, and the mechanisms of its development are now quite clear.

Benefits of new blood pressure medications:

  • with a single dose, you can control the pressure for 1-3 days;
  • good evidence base (the effect is patented by international clinical trials);
  • the combination of active ingredients allows you to enhance the effect, which allows you to reduce the dose;
  • even with prolonged use of drugs, changing drugs is not necessary;
  • few side effects and good tolerance.

Varieties of antihypertensive drugs

Combination of active ingredientsTrade names of drugs
ACE inhibitor + diuretic"Co-Prenessa", "Noliprel", "Enap N", "Hartil N"
ACE inhibitor + diuretic + "Amlodipine""Triplexam", "Ko-Amlessa"
ACE inhibitor + "Amlodipine"Biprestarium, Amlessa, Sumilar
Sartan + "Amlodipine"Valodip, Attento
Sartan + diuretic"Vazar N", "Valsakor", "Cardosal Plus", "Kasark N"
Beta-blocker + "Amlodipine""Allotendin"

All modern drugs for hypertension have a certain effect on the body, and in combination they are a powerful weapon against high blood pressure.


New-generation hypertension medications often include diuretics, which are diuretic pills that lower blood pressure. Their mechanism of action is based on the elimination of fluid accumulated in the tissues. Due to this property, the pressure of blood on the walls of blood vessels decreases.

Diuretic drugs of the new generation have several varieties: some have pronounced diuretic properties, others act more gently. Only a doctor should prescribe such drugs - you cannot drink them on your own.The course of therapy includes sparing agents that do not have a strong diuretic effect, but have a mild antihypertensive effect.

Varieties used to treat high blood pressure:

  1. Thiazide and thiazide-like ("Hydrochlorothiazide", "Indapamide", "Xipamide").
  2. Loopbacks ("Furosemide," Torasemid ").

Adrenergic blockers

Beta blockers are no longer first-line drugs for hypertension. But there are situations in which it is worth resorting to their use - rhythm disturbances, heart failure, coronary artery disease.

The action of medications is based on blocking the receptors to which catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinephrine) attach.

The work of all organs and systems of the body depends on the concentration of biologically active substances. The vasoconstriction and dilation, the strength of the heart contractions and many other processes occur under the influence of the hormones produced.

Norepinephrine and adrenaline are synthesized by the adrenal medulla. Under the influence of these substances, vasoconstriction, an increase in blood pressure, an increase in blood glucose, and much more occur. For various diseases, blocking of adrenergic impulses may be required, for which blockers are used. New generation drugs (Nebivalol, Bisoprolol, Carvedilol) interrupt transmission without affecting the synthesis of hormones. Medicines in this group help to widen the lumen of the arteries and reduce the heart rate. Due to this effect, pressure decreases and overall well-being improves.

Calcium channel blockers

Calcium antagonists have been used in the treatment of hypertension for a long time, therefore these drugs cannot be called new generation pressure drugs. Meanwhile, the last representatives of the group are distinguished by the absence of a number of side effects of their predecessors.

The action of the tablets is based on blocking slow calcium channels. The use of Ca2 + antagonists in the treatment of hypertension allows not only to significantly reduce pressure, but also contributes to the reverse process of the formation of left ventricular hypertrophy of the heart - remodeling. Due to this influence, doctors distinguish this group of drugs as one of the most effective in the fight against hypertension. The best of the representatives: "Lerkamen", "Zanidip", "Felodip".

Centrally acting drugs

Some of the representatives of such funds are "Clofelin" and "Methyldopa". The therapeutic effect is achieved by inhibiting the activity of the central nervous system.

Means for lowering the pressure of this action are not always included in the course of treatment for hypertension, they are, rather, quick relief at very high pressure.


These pressure lowering agents are considered to be the newest. The action of such medications is aimed at blocking angiotensin II receptors. If there is a connection of these receptors with a substance (angiotensin II), the patient experiences an increase in blood pressure and vasoconstriction.

In addition to antihypertensive properties, such drugs can have a beneficial effect:

  • protection of bone tissue from osteoporosis;
  • prevention of malignant tumor processes;
  • prevention of stroke and other brain damage;
  • prevention of prostate problems;
  • help in the treatment of diabetes mellitus;
  • protection of the liver and kidneys.

An important feature of sartans is their long-term effect, because the drugs begin to show results after 10-14 days of use. It is worth remembering this at the beginning of their use and blocking the first time with blockers of the central nervous system.

ACE inhibitors

Medicines of this group have an effect on the chemical transformation of angiotensin, a substance that narrows the lumen of blood vessels, into angiotensin 2, its active form.

The decrease in blood pressure occurs slowly, which allows a person not to experience the unpleasant symptoms that appear when taking drugs that directly affect the walls of the arteries, expanding their lumen. These effective drugs help improve heart function, reduce the progression of renal failure and left ventricular hypertrophy, and are included in the list of essential medicines for the treatment of hypertension.

The pills for high and low blood pressure are updated every year, so it is important to keep abreast of current trends. We hope our article will help with this.