
Diet and nutrition for coronary heart disease

Problems with the cardiovascular system are a common occurrence in our time. Diseases are getting younger every year. A polluted environment, bad habits, obesity and many other factors lead to the rapid development of heart pathologies. Ischemic disease is one of them. Treatment methods include drug therapy, traditional medicine recipes, herbal medicine, and a special diet. This is one of the main measures in the general complex of the fight against the disease.

General principles of nutrition

Heart ischemia is a malfunction of the coronary circulation, damage to the middle layer of the heart muscle, which occurs due to an insufficient level of oxygen in the blood and its entry into the myocardium. After the first signs of pathology, measures are taken to eliminate it. Proper nutrition for coronary heart disease plays a major role in the fight against it.

The basic principles of constructing a patient's diet are moderate nutrition with the exclusion of products saturated with animal fats, cholesterol and salt. A diet for coronary heart disease is a balanced intake of food that completely saturates the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. The main element in this regime is ascorbic acid, which is found in many plant products.

Doctors recommend eating small and frequent meals for heart ischemia. Take 200 ml of food at least five times a day. At the same time, a temporary restriction on meals in the evening is established. Dinner should be at least three hours before bedtime.

The recommended way of cooking is steam and boiled cooking, stewing. Baking is also a useful method.

What foods are avoided

Diet therapy for ischemic disease excludes a number of dishes that negatively affect the general condition of the body and blood oxygen saturation.

  1. Foods rich in cholesterol (animal fats) are excluded from the diet as much as possible.

This is due to one of the reasons for the development of ischemic heart disease. Excessive levels of cholesterol or other fats in the blood cause atherosclerotic accumulations on the walls of blood vessels. With atherosclerosis, their lumens narrow and the normal process of blood circulation is disrupted, and as a result, the saturation of the heart muscle with oxygen. Such a disease is the direct cause of the development of heart ischemia.

In this regard, the following foods are excluded from the diet:

  • pork, beef and other types of fatty meats;
  • kidneys, caviar, brains and other offal;
  • dairy products (sour cream and hard cheese);
  • eggs.

One of the manifestations of coronary heart disease is angina pectoris, which is accompanied by paroxysmal pain with a compressive effect in this organ or chest. A disease diet also excludes all possible animal fats from the diet.

  1. Diet food with ischemia does not allow the use of sweet or salty foods.

Sweets (in any form) increase the level of triglycerides in the blood, provoking many cardiovascular diseases, including: atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease.

Indicators of 1.13 mmol / L triglycerides indicate a high risk of heart attacks.

During the treatment of ischemia, limit the use of such foods:

  • alcohol;
  • white bread or baked goods;
  • sweet tea and coffee;
  • chocolate and other sweets.

The consumption of salty or spicy foods stimulates the appetite, provokes the body to demand more food at one time until full saturation, which is completely unacceptable in case of heart ischemia.

  1. Reducing the amount of fluid supplied to the body.

This restriction was introduced into the diet to reduce the load on the heart muscle. With moderate fluid intake, the risk of arterial hypertension, which causes complications of coronary artery disease, is reduced.

How to enrich the diet

To improve the condition in case of ischemic disease, they use foods that contribute to the elimination of cholesterol from the body:

  • fish - there is no cholesterol in it, but it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), which have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels and destroy cholesterol accumulations and plaques. You can eat any kind of fish, even fatty ones (flounder, mackerel);
  • fresh vegetables and fruits - rich in fiber, which enhances the motor function of the intestines, quickly removes cholesterol and other harmful products of intestinal metabolism;
  • cereals - buckwheat, wheat and oatmeal contain a huge amount of useful vitamins and minerals, help the body to cope with excess cholesterol;
  • bran - used as a food additive in ready-made meals, but not more than 3 tbsp. l. in a day.

It is important to consume a large amount of vitamins B, C and P. They restore damaged walls of coronary vessels, reduce the level of their fragility and prevent the rapid aging of myocardial cells. B vitamins strengthen the heart, increase its elasticity. An excess of such substances can not only fail to provide the necessary effect, but also harm the general condition of the body.

Sample menu for several days

The menus below vary according to individual preference. The basis is the amount of food and its calorie content.

Breakfast (from 8 to 10)Lunch (from 12 to 14)Afternoon snack (at 16)Dinner (from 17 to 19)
1st dayPudding or casserole, tea without sugar.Vegetable soup, steamed cutlets, stewed carrots, compote.Freshly squeezed apple juice.Boiled potatoes, baked fish, seaweed, unsweetened tea.
2nd dayWheat porridge with dried fruits, unsweetened tea.Pearl barley soup, meatballs, boiled potatoes, cranberry jelly.Egg whites omelet.Cheesecakes with dried fruits, hot milk.
3rd dayPumpkin porridge with rice and dried fruits, tea without sugar.Fish soup, fish meatballs, mashed potatoes, compote.Cottage cheese.Braised rabbit with vegetables.
4th dayOat milk porridge, egg, freshly squeezed juice.Lean beetroot, meatballs, vegetable stew, juice or jelly.Cottage cheese casserole or carrots with sour cream.Herring forshmak, baked potatoes, vegetable salad.
5th dayWheat cereal porridge, vinaigrette, unsweetened tea.Lenten borscht, steamed chicken meatballs with vegetables, compote.Baked apples.Baked fish with potatoes and peas, vegetable salad.
6th dayCurd pudding with jam, unsweetened tea.Vegetable puree soup, cabbage rolls with veal, carrot juice.Egg, cabbage and apple salad.Fish zrazy, vegetable salad.
7th dayChicken pilaf, vegetable salad, unsweetened tea.Seafood puree soup, vegetable stew.Sponge cake with apples, freshly squeezed orange juice.Curd zrazy with sour cream.

If you feel hungry in the evening, drink half a glass of any fermented milk product, only an hour before bedtime.

A diet for coronary heart disease prevents the development of the disease and improves the general condition of the body. Before starting diet therapy, consult with your doctor.