Throat ailments

Symptoms and treatment of acute pharyngolaryngitis

The throat consists of the pharynx and larynx, which are interconnected and smoothly merge into each other. These organs are part of a general system that moves air into the lungs. Due to the anatomical proximity of these parts of the throat, an isolated lesion of the pharynx, pharyngitis, or larynx, laryngitis is less typical than their combined lesion. Acute laryngopharyngitis is an inflammatory process localized simultaneously in the pharynx and larynx.

The disease can develop as an independent pathology, or more often it is one of the symptoms of ARVI, whooping cough, scarlet fever, measles, rubella. The causative agent of the disease is usually viruses. However, the pathological process is often caused by bacteria, and in rare cases - by fungi. An allergen can also take part in the development of pathology. Often, inflammation of the local area is a consequence of organ overstrain. It is this mechanism that underlies inflammation of the vocal cords.

Clinical signs

Of great importance in the development of the disease are provoking factors:

  • hypothermia;
  • exposure to dusty or polluted air;
  • eating cold drinks or food;
  • reduced immunity.

Since both the pharynx and the larynx are affected, clinical signs correspond to the localization of the inflammatory process and indicate the defeat of both parts. The most common symptoms are:

  • sore and sore throat;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the throat;
  • pain sensations that increase when swallowing;
  • change in the timbre of the voice, the appearance of its hoarseness;
  • cough.

Since clinical signs are most often a manifestation of ARVI or childhood infections, acute development of symptoms is characteristic. The initial sign is the appearance of an unpleasant sensation in the throat, aggravated by swallowing. During the day, the symptoms increase, the sore throat increases, the tone of the voice changes, and a dry cough appears. Often there is nasal congestion and a runny nose with profuse mucous discharge, which is characteristic of the viral nature of the lesion.

If acute laryngopharyngitis is a symptom of ARVI, flu, then a sharp deterioration, weakness, malaise, and an increase in body temperature up to 39 degrees are characteristic. Patients are worried about muscle aches, joint pain. The most severe disease occurs in children with their imperfect immune systems. In addition, such a course is dangerous by the development of complications - croup.


The involvement of the larynx in the process is characterized by pronounced swelling of the mucous membrane. The lumen of the larynx is thus narrowed. The movement of air into the lungs can be difficult. The situation is aggravated by a large amount of mucus, which further narrows the airway. In this regard, during a night's sleep, when the effect of these factors is most pronounced, the child may show signs caused by a narrowing of the larynx.

They manifest themselves with a loud barking cough, noisy breathing, and a hoarse voice. With the progression of the process, shortness of breath develops on inspiration, signs of respiratory failure increase.

Changes in the child's voice and cough pattern are important symptoms that require preventive measures.

Another complication of laryngopharyngitis is the further spread of the process to the trachea, the development of an inflammatory process in it.

Non-drug activities

Treatment of acute laryngopharyngitis is complex and includes both drugs and non-drug actions, without which the disease can take a longer course. It is important that the following conditions are met:

  1. Exclude smoking and alcohol consumption, since these harmful factors have a pronounced irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  2. It is necessary to adhere to a certain temperature regime when drinking and drinking. All products should be at a moderate temperature, corresponding to 40-50 degrees;
  3. Eliminating sour, spicy, spicy foods, rough foods from the diet, you can also prevent additional irritation of the throat mucosa;
  4. Abundant hydration of the body is shown, for which a variety of warm drinks are used. Preference is given to alkaline mineral water, milk, tea with lemon. The volume of liquid you drink must exceed 2-2.5 liters;
  5. It is necessary to carry out measures aimed at keeping the mucous membranes of the throat moist. To do this, you should adhere to the temperature regime in the room at a level not exceeding 20 degrees. Recommended humidity should be around 50-60%.

In addition to non-pharmacological actions, local procedures are an important part of treatment. Gargling is the simplest, most readily available remedy that can relieve sore throat. It is recommended to carry them out after each meal, at least 5-6 times a day, using one glass of the prepared product.

The temperature of the solutions used for rinsing should be about 40 degrees.

Used for this as pharmaceuticals, such as Furacilin, Miramistin, and solutions prepared at home, soda solution, "sea water". It is possible to use for these purposes phytopreparations prepared from herbs with anti-inflammatory action. The pharmacy "Rotokan", made up of medicinal herbs, is used in a similar way.

Physiotherapy procedures

In acute pharyngolaryngitis, warming procedures for the neck area are also indicated. For this, vodka compresses or dry heat are used. In the absence of hyperthermia, severe concomitant diseases, physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed to the patient. The most popular are UHF, electrophoresis with a solution of novocaine or Dimexidum, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Despite the fact that opinions on such distracting procedures as applying mustard plasters and foot baths differ from one specialist to another, they are still popular. Patients believe that carrying out such procedures helps to reduce sore throat, cough, and improve nasal breathing.

Alkaline-oil or herbal inhalations are widely used in inflammatory diseases of the throat. They can be carried out in the conditions of the physiotherapy department of the polyclinic or carried out at home. In addition to soda solution, decoctions of sage, calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus and fir extract are used for the procedures.

When coughing with sputum that is difficult to separate, a good effect is given by the use of expectorant and mucolytic agents for inhalation, Lazolvan, Ambrobene.

The use of medicines

The use of antiviral agents and antibiotics is only exceptional in acute laryngopharyngitis. Antiviral drugs are not widely used due to their low efficacy and side effects.

As for antibiotics, since these funds do not work on viruses, their use is justified only if the bacterial nature of the pathogen is specified. However, such studies are rarely carried out.

The use of antibiotics is indicated for a prolonged course of the disease, when it comes to the addition of a secondary bacterial infection.

With this pathology, antibiotics such as Amoxiclav, Erythromycin are most widely used.Aerosol agent Bioparox is used locally. Due to its local action, such an antibiotic is devoid of the disadvantages of drugs that have a systemic effect. Bioparox has significant advantages in cases where the use of other antibiotics is limited due to their side effects.

The main drugs used in acute pharyngolaryngitis are drugs with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. They can be used in the form of pills, aerosols. Their local action prevents the development of systemic side effects, which makes these drugs safe enough and allows their wide use in children.

The main contraindication may be individual intolerance to any of their components. The disadvantage of these drugs is their low efficiency, which makes their use justified only with a mild course of the disease. The most popular remedies are Givalekas, Hexoral, Faringosept, Septolete, etc.

Prescription of cough drugs depends on its form, whether it is dry or productive. Most often, cough in acute pharyngolaryngitis is dry, which eventually transforms into wet, with difficult to separate sputum. The most effective drugs for dry cough are drugs containing codeine, Kodesan, Kofeks, Codterpin. However, due to severe side effects, including drug dependence, these drugs are of limited use.

Libeksin, Sinekod, Paxeladin, which do not include codeine, also have an antitussive effect. They are safe and can even be used in children. Sputum dilution is facilitated by Ambroxol, ACC. Syrup of marshmallow, licorice, plantain, Linkas have a pronounced expectorant effect.

The prognosis of the disease is favorable. With correct treatment, after 10-14 days, there is a regression of clinical signs, the patient recovers.

However, in all cases when the larynx is involved in the inflammatory process, it is necessary to be vigilant about the development of laryngospasm. Carrying out preventive measures during the day will prevent the development of false croup at night.