Throat ailments

How to treat sore throat when swallowing

Throat discomfort is a clear sign of irritation and inflammation of the airways. Infectious agents (microbes, fungi, viruses), allergens (dust, animal hair, gassed air), damage to the throat by food or foreign objects can provoke pain. What to do if your throat hurts and it hurts to swallow?

To stop unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to determine the cause of their occurrence. If the pain was caused by an infection, it will be possible to eliminate it with the help of topical drugs, which include medicines for inhalation and throat irrigation, lozenges for resorption, and aerosols for suppressing the larynx.

Medicines that have analgesic, decongestant, wound healing and disinfecting effects will help soften the throat and reduce the severity of discomfort. Comprehensive treatment allows you to eliminate the infection and pathological symptoms of ENT diseases within 3-4 days.

Patient advice

What to do if your throat hurts and it hurts to swallow? First you need to determine the cause of the discomfort. A visual examination by an ENT doctor and laboratory tests will allow you to accurately determine the type of disease and the best therapy regimen.

In situations where a sore throat when swallowing is combined with high fever, body aches and headaches, doctors most often diagnose respiratory diseases - ARVI, sore throat, pharyngitis, tracheitis, etc. To speed up recovery and prevent complications, it is recommended:

  • strictly adhere to vocal rest;
  • observe bed rest;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • consume at least 1.5 liters of warm drink per day;
  • take medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • gargle regularly and inhale.

A terrible cough and "scratching" in the throat can signal the development of laryngitis or tracheitis. Antitussives or expectorants will help to stop a paroxysmal cough and thereby alleviate the course of the disease.

To soften and moisturize the mucous membrane, it is recommended to use herbal teas with sage, rose hips and chamomile. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

Features of therapy

My throat is very sore and it hurts to swallow, what should I do? The severity of clinical symptoms indicates an acute course of inflammation in the respiratory organs. To destroy infectious agents and thereby stop the uncomfortable manifestations of the disease, you need to take systemic and local medications.

If swallowing saliva causes severe pain and rawness, it is most likely caused by sore throat or pharyngitis. Surely antibiotics and antiviral agents will help to remove swelling and inflammation in the respiratory tract. In addition to drugs of etiotropic action aimed at eliminating the infection, it is necessary to use topical agents. They quickly relieve pain, disinfect mucous membranes and help restore their integrity.

What medications can be used at home to relieve symptoms of respiratory disease? The most effective remedies include:

  • lozenges
  • preparations for irrigation of the laryngopharynx;
  • means for nebulizer inhalation.

Before using any drugs, you need to be diagnosed by a specialist and exclude the development of serious diseases - paratonsillitis, purulent tonsillitis, pharyngeal abscess, etc.

Lozenges for sucking

What kind of lozenges can you use when your throat hurts? Until recently, only mint lozenges could be found in pharmacies, which had an emollient effect. But they gave only temporary relief and, by and large, it was useless to treat the throat with their help. Modern pharmaceutical companies are releasing new types of drugs that contain components of wound healing, analgesic and disinfecting action.

When the throat hurts when swallowing, it is recommended to use the following lozenges:

Drug nameOperating principleIndications for use
"Coldakt Sopris"softens mucous membranes, eliminates pain and swellingcolds, tonsillitis, ARVI, pharyngitis, tracheitis
"Karmolis"reduces the severity of inflammation and accelerates the regeneration of mucous membranestonsillitis, scarlet fever, ARVI, pharyngitis
"Strepsils"destroys microbes and fungi, relieves pain and perspirationperiodontal disease, aphthae, tonsillitis, colds, tonsillitis
"Ajisept"eliminates inflammatory reactions, discomfort and irritation of the mucous membranesgingivitis, thrush, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, infectious and inflammatory processes in the laryngopharynx
"Grammidin"eliminates purulent-inflammatory reactions and throat swellingpurulent tonsillitis, periodontitis, acute pharyngitis, laryngitis

After resorption of the lozenges, do not eat or drink for 30 minutes, as this will reduce the concentration of medicinal substances in the throat.

Many of the above means not only eliminate the symptoms, but also contribute to the elimination of the pathogenic flora. Due to this, the recovery period is significantly reduced and the likelihood of post-infectious complications decreases.

Nebulizer therapy

If it hurts to swallow, how to treat a throat? It should be noted right away that steam inhalations cannot be used for purulent inflammation. Alternatively, it is better to use nebulizers, which convert liquids into aerosols at room temperature. Local therapy is one of the fastest and most effective ways to relieve pain, perspiration, itching and swelling in the throat.

It is possible to remove manifestations of respiratory diseases with the help of such medicinal solutions:

Drug nameDrug groupOperating principle
"Gentamicin"topical antibioticdestroys microbes and thereby eliminates purulent foci in the throat
Rotokananti-inflammatory agentrestores cellular metabolism, softens the throat and accelerates the healing of mucous membranes
"Acetylcysteine"immunostimulantincreases immunity, relieves inflammation and the activity of microbes in the respiratory organs
"Kromoglin"antiallergic agentnormalizes the outflow of intercellular fluid from areas of inflammation, relieves swelling
"Furacilin"antisepticdisinfects mucous membranes, softens the throat

In order for the throat to stop hurting, it is advisable to perform the procedure at least 5 times a day for a week. Surely local antibiotics will help to cure bacterial inflammation and thereby eliminate unpleasant symptoms. However, it should be borne in mind that treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. An overdose of drugs can cause a decrease in local immunity or the occurrence of side effects - nausea, vomiting, urticaria, dizziness, diarrhea, etc.


If it hurts to swallow saliva, and the sore throat does not go away, there is a 97% chance of infection being the cause. Rinsing will help to destroy pathogens in places of their localization. Medicinal solutions with disinfecting, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects will help adults and young children with the development of respiratory diseases.

As a rule, sore throat when swallowing regresses within two days from the moment of rinsing. What medicines can be used if the throat is very sore?

Drug nameActive ingredientsAppointment
"Chlorophyllipt"eucalyptus extractviral and bacterial inflammation in the laryngopharynx
"Faringosept"miramistin, denatrium salttonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, sphenoiditis, pharyngitis
"Iodinol"molecular iodineinflammation of the tonsils, fetid coryza, chronic pharyngitis
"Dioxidin"hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxidepurulent-inflammatory reactions in the laryngopharynx
Octeniseptphenoxyethanol, octenidine dihydrochloridepurulent and catarrhal inflammation in the larynx and nasal cavity
What to do if it is very painful to swallow? Only a comprehensive treatment of respiratory diseases can quickly eliminate all pathological symptoms. When your throat hurts, you need to use local and systemic medications. The former are aimed at eliminating uncomfortable sensations and swelling, and the latter are aimed at eliminating pathogens of infection and inflammatory processes.