
What causes a cough in the morning

Quite often, some of us start our day with bronchospasms. Coughing in the morning is not a cause for frustration or panic; many doctors consider it normal. Thus, the respiratory organs get rid of phlegm and activate their daily work to supply the body with oxygen. However, there are times when bouts of morning bronchospasm indicate health problems.

There are many ways to get rid of a morning cough. If, after preventive measures, the intensity and frequency of cough attacks does not decrease, you should consult a doctor. Only he will be able to accurately diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Possible causes of bronchospasm

  1. Smoking tops the list. A cough in the morning in an adult who smokes is often transformed into a chronic form and is not eliminated even after long-term treatment. Moreover, heavy smokers often have a cough with blood clots in their sputum. The only way to finally eliminate the annoying symptom is to get rid of this addiction once and for all.
  2. Morning bronchospasm is often caused by a genetic disorder such as asthma. There are many medicines that are effective in treating seizures. But, unfortunately, in most cases they are not completely eliminated, they only give temporary relief.
  3. Nasal discharge is a common cause of morning coughs. They can even be observed in a healthy person. An attack occurs due to the fact that mucus from the sinuses flows down the throat and irritates the mucous membrane. Fortunately, in this case, the cough disappears almost immediately after waking up and does not pose a health hazard.
  4. But the causes of coughing attacks can be more serious than regular snot. One of these is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), in which the contents of the stomach are regularly drawn back into the esophagus. This ailment contributes to the appearance of heartburn, which irritates the mucous membrane of the throat. As a result, in the morning the patient has a cough.
  5. If bronchospasm upon awakening is intense and debilitating, in most cases they are caused by laryngotracheitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and upper trachea). This ailment is accompanied by a hoarse voice and a sore throat.
  6. Pneumonia is another common cause of morning cough. With pneumonia, bronchospasm is unproductive (dry).
  7. Often, morning coughing attacks indicate heart problems. In particular, they appear in heart failure and arise from stagnation of blood in the lungs.
  8. At the end of the list is such a dangerous ailment as lung cancer. With this disease, bronchospasm after awakening is accompanied by painful sensations of varying intensity.

Eliminate morning cough

If the causes of the cough are identified, treatment should be considered. First of all, we recommend excluding from the diet dishes that contribute to the appearance of coughing attacks. Do not use:

  • salty food;
  • spicy food;
  • very sweet foods.

In addition, you need to add to the menu:

  • oatmeal porridge with butter;
  • mashed potatoes with milk;
  • fresh radish salad, seasoned with vegetable oil.

In some cases, morning coughing fits appear due to dehydration. In other words, the body lacks fluid, so the airways dry up. Drink plenty of fluids to reduce the intensity of morning bronchospasms. It can be plain water, juices, fruit drinks, teas. In addition, keep an eye on the humidity level in the room.

If there are no pustular lesions on the skin, we advise you to regularly massage the chest area. Warming ointments will be an effective addition to rubbing. Do not forget about inhalations based on drugs such as Ambroxol, Lazolvan and so on (one session a day is enough). It helps to eliminate cough in the morning and inhalation of vapors of ordinary baking soda solution.

We remind you again that in most cases it is smoking that leads to coughing attacks after sleep. Therefore, quitting a bad habit should be the number one task. All just a couple of months - and you will notice how the attacks slowly but surely recede and disappear altogether.

Antibiotics, vitamins in liquid form and general strengthening drugs help well to liquefy phlegm. Do not forget about physiotherapy treatments and recipes based on herbs from the arsenal of traditional medicine. Doing breathing exercises is a great way to keep your lungs and respiratory muscles in good shape.

Many people with hypertension use ACE inhibitors (they lower blood pressure, they serve to prevent heart failure). Often it is these drugs that cause attacks of severe coughing in the morning. This side effect must be eliminated so that the cough does not become chronic. If you experience this problem while taking inhibitors, see your doctor. He will help you find an equivalent replacement for the medicine you are using.

Morning cough in children

As a rule, bronchospasm in babies immediately after awakening is of a physiological nature. That is, such a symptom is absolutely safe, it does not need to be eliminated, since a little later it will disappear by itself. If the cough appears regularly, every morning, then you need to consult your doctor. Perhaps we are talking about a cold. Do not worry if attacks of morning bronchospasm occur in the following cases:

  1. When newborns are unable to roll over on their own. During sleep, mucus accumulates in their nasopharynx, flows into the upper trachea and causes coughing fits. Allow the child to clear his throat and this symptom will go away completely in a couple of minutes.
  2. If teeth are teething and salivation is active. Saliva irritates the mucous membrane of the pharynx, and morning cough appears. This symptom is also not a cause for concern.
  3. During the ingestion of liquid food or tears while crying into the respiratory tract.

The above causes of bronchospasm do not require medical intervention. It is necessary to sound the alarm and consult a doctor if a dry allergic cough is observed in the morning as a reaction to pollen, food, dust and other irritating factors. In addition, you should pay attention to bouts of wet coughing. In most cases, such a morning symptom speaks of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Intense whistling coughing attacks are a common symptom of an ailment such as whooping cough. They often end in vomiting and are very difficult for young children.

If bronchospasm accompanies suffocation, pallor of the skin, then the cause of the cough is a foreign body in the respiratory tract. Don't hesitate a minute, call an ambulance.

A cough upon waking is a common symptom of many diseases, both dangerous and harmless. It is often caused by non-pathological factors altogether. To accurately determine the cause of morning cough in children and adults, we advise you to contact a specialist. They will prescribe an appropriate examination - X-ray, sputum sampling, bronchoscopy. Based on the data obtained, doctors will compile a complete clinical picture and prescribe an effective treatment.