
Causes of cough while eating and its features

Every person can feel a cough while eating; it occurs for a variety of reasons. Most often, the spasm is caused by food particles entering the airways. To get rid of foreign bodies, the body turns on a defense reaction - the cough reflex. However, if the patient does not feel any relief after coughing up, and attacks occur too often and for no apparent reason, this can signal serious illness. Consider why the violation occurs.

What causes the cramp?

When eating, many organs are activated. The brain begins to work more actively, blood circulation is accelerated, mucous membranes secrete a secret, and other biological processes occur. The close connection of the respiratory system with other systems in the body can lead to the appearance of a cough reflex. It appears with such pathological changes:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The disease is accompanied by a decrease in the tone of the food ring. When we eat food, air enters the stomach with it. If the food ring does not function properly, then food enters the larynx along with excess air. A cough while eating appears due to the high acidity of the masses pushed into the esophagus. They irritate the mucous membranes, which causes a reflex spasm. In addition to impaired respiratory function, patients experience heartburn. Untimely treatment of the disease can lead to a change in the internal structure of the bronchi and the appearance of neoplasms.
  • Stomach ulcer. A cough when eating may appear due to peptic ulcer disease. This disease causes a change in the acidity of gastric juice, inflammation and wounds on the mucous membrane can cause discomfort when in contact with food. As a defense, the body uses spasm. Treatment is prescribed by a gastroenterologist.
  • Asthma. Eating food starts metabolic processes in the body and activates blood circulation. This leads to increased work of the bronchi. If they have stagnant sputum, then it will be released during a meal or a few minutes after it. In asthma, mucus is produced by the cough. Such a reaction can be triggered by both an immune response and a complication of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • Allergy. Direct contact with food allergens also causes bronchial hyperactivity. Sputum begins to stand out after eating, sometimes there is a cough that cannot be stopped. Treatment of the disorder requires an integrated approach with the participation of an allergist-immunologist, who will help to identify agents that irritate the respiratory tract.
  • Sore throat. Any inflammatory process in the throat makes the mucous membrane susceptible to mechanical and thermal stimuli. If a patient is diagnosed with sore throat, pharyngitis or similar ailments, then just a few food particles can provoke a spasm. After elimination of inflammation, respiratory function is fully restored.
  • Wrong food. Foods that are highly sour, spicy, sweet, or salty can irritate the throat. In some people, such foods do not cause any reaction, while in others they provoke a reflex spasm. To eliminate the violation, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of diet; alcohol and other drinks and food should be excluded from it, which negatively affects the body.
  • Dehydration of the body. Most often occurs in the elderly. When eating, their mucous membranes secrete little secretion. Due to the dryness of the bronchi, a cough reflex appears.
  • Overweight. If a person has a large body weight, then his intra-abdominal pressure becomes too high. It can also cause bronchospasm while eating. The problem can be eliminated only by reducing weight to normal.
  • Ingestion of food particles into the respiratory tract. Most often, babies and the elderly face such a problem due to a decrease in the swallowing reflex. If a cough is detected in this category of people, it is imperative to see a doctor, as food particles can cause serious inflammation in the airways.


To understand how to help a patient get rid of a cough while eating, you need to go to an appointment with a doctor. In some cases, an examination by an otolaryngologist is enough, but sometimes additional consultation with an allergist-immunologist, gastroenterologist is required. The 1xbet website has one of the best technical support services: you can contact her in different ways. This is, first of all, a round-the-clock chat with employees, in which you can get an instant answer to a question. If you want to get the most individual advice from 1xbet, you can order a callback on the official website. In some cases, it is even better to use an email address. The answer will take longer, but it will be more meaningful.

Doctors conduct an examination and laboratory tests, on the basis of which a conclusion is made, and measures are taken to eliminate the cough itself and the cause that caused it.

To alleviate the condition, you need to:

  • reduce portions of food;
  • chew each bite thoroughly;
  • exclude fatty, spicy, spicy, sour, sweet and salty from the diet;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • avoiding food that you may be allergic to;
  • drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration;
  • do not eat before bedtime;
  • do not eat more than your norm.

Let's summarize

A cough that appears while eating may indicate a serious disorder in the body. If you find this symptom, you should immediately go to the doctor.

In most cases, timely treatment helps to quickly eliminate the violation. If you do not pay attention to the spasm for a long time, then this can cause complications up to the appearance of malignant neoplasms. Do not ignore the difficulty in breathing and get checkups on time.