Nose symptoms

Treatment of a stuffy nose in adults with alternative methods

With the correct use of folk remedies, they can be an effective way to treat the common cold. Due to the natural composition of the drugs, a mild healing effect is provided with a minimum risk of side effects. Folk remedies for rhinitis and nasal congestion can be used in the form of drops, nasal ointments, rinsing and inhalation solutions.

Traditional methods of therapy, unlike traditional methods, act much faster, however, there are several times more contraindications and possible complications. It doesn't take a lot of money to prepare a natural medicine, you just need to take the time to prepare it.

Home treatment of nasal congestion should be started when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Before treating nasal congestion with folk remedies, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the rules:

  • do not use exclusively herbal medicines for purulent processes in the nasopharynx, as well as high fever;
  • you should not continue therapy if folk methods do not help within three days. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor;
  • you do not need to use home remedies based on bee products and herbs if an adult has an increased risk of an allergic reaction;
  • You don't need to pick herbs yourself if you don't know what they look like. For the prescription, you can take herbal preparations purchased at the pharmacy.

What to do at home if your nose is stuffy?

Drops and ointments for the nose

How to get rid of nasal congestion with folk remedies? To cure nasal congestion, it is necessary to use natural medicines to instill the nose and lubricate its inner surface. Here are some helpful recipes.

Healing herbs

Natural components of medicines can reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and make breathing easier.

Plantain infusion is widely used for microbial, allergic rhinitis. To prepare the medicine, you should grind the plantain leaves, take 15 g, pour 230 ml boiling water and wait a quarter of an hour. Bury the nasal passages two drops three times.


Aloe has the most powerful healing effect. Its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerative properties are used not only in otolaryngology.

To enhance the healing effect, it is necessary to cut off the leaf near the base, wrap it in a dark cloth and leave it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. During this time, the activation of biologically active components occurs. Then you should peel the leaf, grind it in a mortar and squeeze the juice.

You need to drip two drops in each turn twice.

If aloe is used for the first time, its juice must be diluted with boiled water to obtain a 50% concentration.

Sea buckthorn oil

You can make oil yourself if sea buckthorn berries are harvested at home. To do this, squeeze the juice, pour 10 g of cake with vegetable oil (100 ml), tightly close the glass container and leave for a month in a warm corner. Then you need to filter the mixture and drip the nasal passages in a few drops.

This tool makes it possible to clear a stuffy nose and restore breathing.

Alternatively, the oil can be used in combination with carrot juice (1: 1). Sea buckthorn oil can be applied to a gauze swab and injected into the nasal passages for 5 minutes, or lubricated with mucous membranes.


Onions have an excellent healing effect. Thanks to phytoncides, a powerful antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect is provided. Onions are used for colds, infectious rhinitis in the form of nasal drops or inhalation.

Cheapest recipes:

  1. onions should be peeled, chopped, squeezed out and diluted with boiled water to obtain a 50% concentration. Instill two drops twice;
  2. onion juice should be diluted 1: 3 with warm water, moistened with a gauze pad and inserted into the nasal passages for 3-5 minutes. If a burning sensation appears, the procedure should be completed. If discomfort still persists, it is necessary to wash off the medicine from the surface of the mucous membrane with saline.

It is forbidden to bury pure onion juice due to the high risk of burns.

Other recipes

Folk remedies for nasal congestion:

  1. if the runny nose is just beginning, menthol oil can be used for treatment. It should be instilled in three drops into the nose, and also lubricate the skin of the temporal and frontal zones;
  2. Cyclamen can also be added to therapy. The healing effect lasts for 24 hours after the preparation of the medicine. According to the recipe, you should grind the root on a grater, squeeze out the juice and drip the nasal passages in three drops;
  3. a clove of garlic must be chopped, squeezed out, and then added to the eucalyptus oil. The proportions are 1: 3.

Washing solutions

The washing procedure can be carried out as a prophylactic measure, so as not to stuff the nose. If a person has been in contact with a sick person, is overcooled, or has been in a dusty room for a long time, this procedure will cleanse, moisturize the mucous membrane and strengthen the protection.

How to relieve nasal congestion?

  • to prepare a saline solution, you need to dissolve 3 g of salt in 240 ml of warm water;
  • 5 g of chopped horse sorrel root should be poured with 270 ml boiling water, close the container and wait 80 minutes. Then you need to filter the folk remedy and start rinsing the nasal cavities;
  • beets must be washed, peeled, chopped and squeezed out. Within an hour, it should be infused in the refrigerator, after which we dilute the juice with warm water to obtain a 50% concentration and rinse the nasal passages;
  • decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, calendula relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, cleanse it and reduce inflammation. For cooking, you need to boil 280 ml of water with 15 g of grass, wait 3 minutes, remove from heat and cool. The resulting product can be used for rinsing or lotions;
  • 15 g of birch inflorescences should be poured with boiling water with a volume of 290 ml, left for half an hour, then filtered and used for rinsing.


Treatment of nasal congestion with folk remedies can be carried out using inhalation. Inhalation administration of medicinal substances allows the delivery of healing particles directly to the inflammatory focus.

The procedure is carried out using hot water, the steam of which contains medicinal substances. In addition, you can inhale the beneficial aromas without warming up the folk remedy. Consider these techniques using the example of onion inhalation:

  1. first, you should peel the onion, grind it with a grater to get a gruel and pour it into a container. Using a water bath, you need to warm up the mixture and inhale the steam. It should not be hot, otherwise there is a high risk of burns to the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  2. chopped onions can be wrapped in a handkerchief and inhaled for 15 minutes.

The largest amount of nutrients is found in onions with a red tint.

Garlic can also be used for treatment:

  1. the core (central trunk) should be separated from the teeth and set on fire. As soon as steam appears, put out the fire and continue to inhale the aroma;
  2. chop the garlic, wrap it with a handkerchief and inhale the aromas for 5 minutes.

You can treat nasal congestion with folk remedies in this way:

  • a few drops of eucalyptus, citrus, mint or fir oil should be dripped onto a small piece of salt, after which it should be dissolved in boiling water. When the water has cooled down a little, you can start inhalation;
  • in a liter of boiling water, you can add 5 drops of essential oil, 2 g of soda, 15 g of honey.Inhale warm steam;
  • 30 g of St. John's wort must be poured with boiling water in a volume of 900 ml. As soon as the water has cooled down a little, you can start the procedure. You can also take a mixture of eucalyptus and St. John's wort (1: 1), pour boiling water over and add 5 drops of fir oil;
  • you can use boiled potatoes as the only medicinal component or in combination with soda (it is sprinkled on top of the finished potatoes).

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, it is recommended:

  1. inhale steam through the nose;
  2. inhalation before bedtime;
  3. after the procedure, do not go out into the cold for an hour;
  4. control the steam temperature (not higher than 40 degrees);
  5. carry out cold inhalation if the hyperthermia exceeds 37.4 degrees.

The aroma lamp is widely used for nasal congestion. Fir and juniper oil will also help get rid of a stuffy nose if you drop it on a handkerchief and inhale the aroma throughout the day.

Warming procedures

How is a runny nose treated? For treatment, you can use:

  1. mustard plasters that are attached to the feet;
  2. mustard. It can be poured into socks or used for foot baths;
  3. hot tea with raspberries, honey, lemon, after which it is advisable to continue warming up under a blanket.

With regard to warming the paranasal zone, it is recommended for this:

  • boiled egg;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • dough cake;
  • a bag of salt.

If the heat source, after being applied to the skin, causes a burning sensation, it is necessary to wrap it with an additional layer of tissue. A slight warmth should be felt during the procedure, which will activate local blood flow, reduce swelling and facilitate nasal breathing.

Remember, rewarming is contraindicated in high fever.


Another remedy for nasal congestion is massage. Dosed mechanical action on a specific area stimulates metabolic processes and improves blood flow. As a result, tissue swelling and inflammation are reduced.

Features of the procedure

There are several techniques for performing massage. Here are the main points of intervention for nasal congestion:

  1. between the eyebrows at the intersection with the bridge of the nose;
  2. near the outer corners of the eyes;
  3. between the upper lip and the edges of the wings of the nose;
  4. between the upper lip and nose (in the middle);
  5. wings of the nose.

For treatment with massage, you must:

  1. warm up your hands so that touching does not cause discomfort;
  2. perform movements smoothly;
  3. control the force of pressing on the skin.

The duration of the procedure is 3 minutes. It should be repeated three times a day.


We focus on the presence of contraindications for massage. They include:

  • irritation, violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • neoplasms, nevi in ​​the paranasal region;
  • high fever;
  • serious condition of a person;
  • severe headache;
  • large amounts of purulent discharge from the nose;
  • the presence of an inflammatory focus, pustules on the skin in the area of ​​the planned massage;
  • bloody nasal discharge.

Preventive Tips

To strengthen immunity and increase vitality, it is recommended:

  1. drink 2 liters of liquid per day;
  2. eat healthy foods;
  3. sleep at least 7 hours a day;
  4. avoid stress;
  5. regularly ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning;
  6. walk daily in the fresh air for at least three hours, dressing "according to the weather";
  7. carry out vitamin therapy;
  8. avoid hypothermia;
  9. use protective equipment in hazardous work;
  10. wear a disposable mask when communicating with a sick person during an epidemic of viral diseases;
  11. timely treat acute diseases, preventing their chronicity;
  12. regularly undergo preventive examinations.

Separately, it should be said about the benefits of breathing exercises. It is used not only for diseases of the ENT organs. Its purpose is to improve nasal breathing, cleanse the nasal passages and saturate the body with oxygen.

Special exercises are best done after airing the room, which will increase their effectiveness.

Instead of buying expensive drugs for the treatment of a common cold, it is better to use traditional medicines that have been proven over the years. If the disease affects children or pregnant women, it is recommended to consult a specialist before starting alternative therapy.