Ear treatment

Ear pain - first aid

Pain syndrome is a clear sign that signals the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. If pain occurs in the ear area, this may indicate the development of ear pathologies: otitis media, periochondritis, myringitis, eustachitis, labyrinthitis, mastoiditis, rupture of the tympanic membrane, etc. First aid for ear pain involves the use of systemic and local drugs that have an analgesic effect.

Taking medication for pain syndrome does not eliminate the cause of the problem. Therefore, immediately after relieving pain, you should seek help from an otolaryngologist, who will accurately determine the cause of discomfort in the ear and prescribe adequate treatment.

First aid

Pain radiating to the ear does not always indicate the development of exclusively ear diseases.

The appearance of an unpleasant symptom may be associated with neuritis, toothache, radiating to the head, meningitis, etc. To make sure that there is an ENT disease, you need to conduct a simple test: press on the tragus located in the auricle. Exacerbation of pain will signal the development of otitis media or eustachitis.

If the ear hurts badly, first aid should be provided immediately after calling the doctor at home. Symptoms can be stopped using the following means:

  • warming compresses - dilate blood vessels in the affected tissues, eliminate spasms and pain;
  • systemic analgesics - quickly relieve pain that radiates to the teeth, neck, bridge of the nose, back of the head, etc.;
  • turundas with boric alcohol - disinfect and eliminate discomfort in the external auditory canal;
  • ear drops - quickly penetrate into the focus of inflammation, eliminating not only discomfort, but also tissue swelling;
  • ear candles are similar in principle to drops.

After using analgesics, you need to seek the help of a specialist. Ignoring the problem associated with the relief of symptoms can lead to serious consequences, such as brain abscess or sepsis.

Systemic analgesics

When taking painkillers, you should remember the need to determine the causes of alarming symptoms. Experts do not recommend abuse of analgesics, since their use often causes a violation of the true clinical picture and, accordingly, the wrong choice of treatment tactics.

To quickly relieve pain, the tablets can be taken with a small amount of natural coffee. Caffeine enhances the effect of the components of pain medications.

To quickly relieve discomfort, it is advisable to use combined action drugs. They should include phenobarbital and codeine. The additives enhance the effect of the drug, which leads to the rapid elimination of pain. Examples of good analgesics for ear pain relief include:

  • Paracetamol is a non-toxic medicine that rarely causes side effects. Eliminates severe cutting pains and hyperthermia;
  • Novigan is a non-steroidal analgesic drug with an antispasmodic effect. Inhibits the activity of the main modulators of pain sensitivity, helps to reduce the concentration of prostaglandins in the body;
  • "Ibuprofen" is an analgesic and antiphlogistic drug that can be used not only in adults, but also in pediatric therapy;
  • "Nimesulide" is a pain reliever, the components of which practically do not affect the acidity of the stomach. It has an analgesic and sedative effect; with prolonged use, it can affect the performance of the liver;
  • Aspirin is a fast-acting analgesic with a pronounced antipyretic effect. The components of the product increase acidity, so it should be consumed after a meal.

Important! In case of an overdose, the drugs can provoke bronchospasm, nausea, heartburn, and tachycardia.

Ear drops

What should be the first aid for ear pain? It is possible to stop the painful sensations provoked by the development of otitis media or eustachitis with the help of ear drops. Topical drugs inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins and inflammatory mediators, which leads to the elimination of not only pain, but also inflammatory processes in the affected tissues.

Important! Preparations with antibiotics can be used only if there is a bacterial flora in the foci of inflammation. In the absence of an accurate diagnosis, it is more advisable to use Otinum or Otipax as a local analgesic.

Otolaryngologists include among the most effective ear drops:

  • "Otipax" - drops of local anesthetic and antiphlogistic action, which contain lidocaine and phenazone. It can be used in the development of catarrhal otitis media, but not at the stage of perforation of the ear membrane;
  • Otinum is a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory drug belonging to the NSAID group. Has a pronounced antibacterial and antimycotic activity, quickly eliminates ear pains and inflammation in the mucous membranes of the organ of hearing;
  • Tsipromed is an antibiotic of the fluoroquinolone group that works against most pathogens of infectious ear pathologies. Relieves pain and catarrhal processes in the mucous membranes;
  • "Anauran" - drops of combined action, which have a local anesthetic and decongestant effect. Can be used to treat otitis media (before membrane perforation), eustachitis and postoperative complications;
  • "Sofradex" is an antibacterial agent with analgesic and antiallergic action. Relieves swelling, which helps to restore the normal function of the Eustachian tube.

Ear phyto candles

Phyto-candles (phyto-funnels) are long, small-diameter tubes made of wood and foil. They are impregnated with natural remedies with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties:

  • lavender extract;
  • propolis;
  • little sage;
  • fir oil;
  • herbal extracts;
  • beeswax.

The use of herbal suppositories is indicated for the development of ear pathologies, chronic tonsillitis, rhinitis and other infectious diseases of the ENT organs. With their help, it is possible to stop pain and clear the ear canal from sulfur plugs. Phyto-funnels with pronounced analgesic properties include:

  • "Reamed" is a preparation containing beeswax, eucalyptus extract, mint and cinnamon oil. It has a pronounced analgesic, warming and anti-inflammatory effect. The components of phyto candles eliminate tissue edema and disinfect them, which leads to the suppression of pathogenic flora;
  • "Relax" - anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic phyto-funnels containing cinnamon oil, beeswax, sedative herbs and lavender extract. Eliminate pain in the ear, migraines and help to normalize sleep;
  • "Lux" is a phytopreparation containing propolis tincture, oil of clove, lavender, cinnamon and beeswax. Quickly eliminates pain and swelling in the external auditory canal.

After using phyto-funnels, you must not go outside and wash your hair for 10 hours.

Warming compress

What should be the first aid for severe ear pain? In the absence of medication on hand, you can use warming compresses with camphor oil. They promote vasodilation and elimination of spasms, thereby relieving severe pain.

When carrying out the procedure, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  1. fold the cotton fabric into 4 layers;
  2. make a large hole in it under the auricle;
  3. soak the bandage in warmed camphor oil;
  4. place the cloth to your ear so that the auricle is outside;
  5. cover the compress with plastic and secure it with a bandage.

The warming compress can be used only in the absence of purulent foci in the organ of hearing.

The dressing should be left on for 5-6 hours so that the components of camphor oil are better absorbed into the sore ear. This will contribute to the elimination of not only uncomfortable sensations, but also puffiness.