Throat treatment

Folk remedies for a lump in the throat

The sensation of a lump in the throat is not a separate disease, but a symptom of any pathology. Therefore, in order to get rid of this trouble, you must first understand what caused it. There are many disorders that lead to the appearance of a lump in the throat, and among them there are those that pose a serious threat. In this case, only a professional doctor can establish the correct diagnosis. Therefore, having found this symptom in yourself, which does not go away for 3-4 days or longer, you need to seek the advice of a specialist.


Most often, the sensation of a lump in the throat develops against the background of various psychological disorders. First of all, these are chronic stress conditions caused by life situations or constant and intense psycho-emotional stress. In addition, violations of acclimatization lead to similar conditions.

With chronic stress, a reflex spasm of the throat muscles occurs. In the future, such a spontaneous muscle tension becomes a conditioned reflex to any experiences and emotions that go beyond the calm state of the psyche.

Moreover, such violations begin to arise over time and at rest for no apparent reason or excitement.

The sensation of a lump in the throat is often associated with the appearance of full-fledged mental illnesses. These are pathologies such as depressive states and / or neuroses. For more serious mental disorders, this symptom is also characteristic, but it is less common and does not have such a pronounced clinical significance.

Somatic causes

The term "somatic" comes from the Latin word "soma", which translates as "body", and means that the cause of the development of the symptom is an organic disorder. So, the sensation of a lump in the throat is caused by:

  • An increase in the size of the thyroid gland. With intensive growth, this organ, located on the anterior surface of the larynx, squeezes the underlying structures of the neck. Such conditions are characteristic of acute inflammation of the tissues of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis) and for chronic iodine deficiency in the patient's body, which is manifested by diffuse toxic goiter.
  • Dysfunctions of the esophagus. A similar symptom is characteristic of a pathology called gastroesophageal reflux. It is characterized by periodic reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus and is accompanied by heartburn.
  • Colds. With the defeat of the mucous membranes of the throat caused by ARVI, sore throat or other pathologies, their intense edema develops. It causes difficulty in swallowing, manifesting itself as a sensation of a lump in the throat.
  • Neoplasms in the area of ​​the oropharynx, larynx and / or trachea. Tumors in this area do not even have to be large, since the organs here are located extremely close to each other, and the neoplasm immediately causes their displacement. And with the growth of the tumor, more and more intense compression of the larynx occurs - this leads to the appearance of a feeling of a lump in the throat. With a further increase in the tumor, it already makes it difficult to breathe, which is manifested by a feeling of lack of air.

This is the most dangerous cause of a lump in the throat, since malignant neoplastic diseases directly threaten the patient's life.

  • Displacement of the vertebrae of the cervical spine. This reason is due to the anterior displacement of the vertebral bones due to trauma, hernia, or chronic osteochondrosis. This disorder is characterized by headaches, pain in the back or neck, and dizziness.
  • Adverse reactions to treatment. The feeling of a lump in the throat refers to undesirable phenomena that occur when taking certain pharmacological drugs: antihistamines, drugs that lower blood pressure, antidepressants, etc.

How does a lump in the throat appear?

The most common description of this disorder indicates the presence in the pharyngeal region of a foreign body that makes it difficult to swallow. In this case, the patient does not experience pain, but he complains of a feeling of pressure from the front or squeezing from all sides, at times accompanied by burning, rawness or even a feeling of partial suffocation.

Mostly the description of a lump in the throat is individual. If your sensations fit the following symptoms, we recommend that you consult a doctor:

  • feeling like something of great density is pressing on the throat;
  • the impression that sometimes something moves in the throat;
  • difficulty swallowing saliva;
  • the throat is constantly sore and it seems that it is scratched from the inside;
  • the feeling that the act of swallowing does not occur completely or after it something comes back;
  • you want to constantly swallow;
  • Difficulty taking first solid, then soft food, and then liquid;

How to identify the cause?

It is difficult to independently understand which of the doctors will most effectively help in your case. Therefore, the general recommendation here is to contact an otolaryngologist first. On examination by this specialist, such reasons for the sensation of a lump in the throat as acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and other pathologies of the pharynx and larynx are confirmed or excluded.

In addition, the ENT doctor diagnoses more serious disorders that arise in this area: paratonsillitis, abscesses of the oropharynx, the root of the tongue or the epiglottis.

If all these pathologies are excluded, then the otolaryngologist will refer you for examination to a number of narrow specialists. First of all, you will have to visit an endocrinologist. This doctor is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of endocrine glands, including the thyroid gland.

In addition, visit the consultation of a vertebrologist - a specialist in spinal diseases. A neurologist examines the nervous system (a mass of nerve trunks passes in the neck area) and excludes organic pathology of the nerves. A specialist oncologist will examine you for neoplasms located in the cervical zone.

If a visit to these doctors' appointments did not reveal the cause of the appearance of a lump in the throat, then you will have to seek help from psychotherapists and psychiatrists. These specialists will help get rid of this disorder, in the case when it is due to psychogenic reasons.

What kind of research is being done?

Diagnostics will begin with general analyzes of urine, blood and, if necessary, a biochemical blood test. In addition, you will be guided through:

  • a thorough examination of the throat, nearby lymph nodes, and thyroid gland;
  • examination of the oral cavity, tongue and tonsils located in the pharynx;
  • examination of the laryngeal region, epiglottis, examination of the vocal cords and other laryngoscopic examinations;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, analysis for thyroid hormones;
  • X-ray examination of the cervical spine;
  • computer and / or magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical organs.

Treating a lump in the throat

Since most often this symptom is caused by psychogenic causes, then treatment in this case will be aimed at normalizing the patient's mental state. First of all, use the professional help of a psychologist and psychotherapist. They will help you find a way out of difficult life situations and change your attitude to what is happening, getting rid of emotional stress. Taking psychotherapeutic drugs is also useful.

Important! It is better to prefer substances of plant origin - they are softer and do not cause intense addiction.

Drug therapy for psychological and emotional disorders is individual. You select the medicine, its dosage and dosage regimen for you. Use phytopreparations such as:

  • valerian;
  • St. John's wort perforatum;
  • motherwort tincture;
  • herbal preparations that have a sedative effect (chamomile, mint, etc.);
  • Nervo-vit is a combined drug based on cyanosis;
  • Apitonus is a complex of herbal preparations, vitamins and bee products.

The main way to get rid of a lump in the throat with folk remedies is to observe daily regimen with the allocation of sufficient time for a full night's sleep. This is the key to normalizing the psychological and emotional state, as well as increasing resistance to stress. We also recommend taking soothing teas with lemon balm, motherwort or jasmine. Aromatic essential oil baths at the end of the day are helpful for additional relaxation and relaxation.

In the case of the somatic origin of the sensation of a lump in the throat, the treatment of this symptom is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the cause of the disease. But among the general recommendations are:

  • If problems arise in the cervical spine, special exercises under the supervision of a specialist will help. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also useful: acupuncture, manual treatment, exposure to laser radiation.
  • In the case of pathologies of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to adjust the diet. There you need to introduce an increased number of dishes, which include iodine: seaweed and fish, spinach, chicken egg yolks, dairy products. In addition, the administration of iodine preparations (Iodobalance, Iodomarin, etc.) is prescribed. If a patient is diagnosed with an inflammation of the thyroid gland of an autoimmune nature, then a special treatment regimen with hormonal agents is used here.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the throat (tonsillitis, ARVI, etc.) are treated with antibiotics and antiviral agents. The doctor will tell you which drug is effective in your case after a series of specific examinations. Rinsing the oropharynx with solutions of medicinal herbs will also be useful.
  • If your esophagus is dysfunctional, you will need separate treatment and diet. In this case, drugs and dosage are selected individually, depending on the type of pathology.
  • Throat growths require immediate medical attention. If possible, surgery is performed, during which the tumor is carefully and completely removed. In addition to operating techniques, therapy with special pharmacological preparations and radiation exposure are used.

The method of getting rid of a lump in the throat is individual for each patient and directly depends on the reasons that caused the appearance of this unpleasant symptom. But attention to your health and timely access to a specialized doctor will help you solve this problem quickly and effectively.