Throat treatment

Gargling with baking soda and salt

Sodium bicarbonate (soda) and sodium chloride (salt) are natural antiseptics that are used as ingredients in disinfectants. Alkalizing solutions are an unfavorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, which made it possible to use them in the framework of local therapy for ENT diseases.

Gargling with soda and salt is recommended during the period of exacerbation of inflammatory processes, which is due to the antiphlogistic, wound healing and decongestant properties of the drug.

Physiotherapy treatment helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses in the lymphadenoid clusters (tonsils) and oropharyngeal mucosa. Mechanical washing away of purulent plaque and viscous mucus reduces the manifestation of local symptoms of ENT pathologies, such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.

The therapeutic properties of baking soda

Baking soda is a finely crystalline white powder that is composed of sodium salts and carbonic acid. In medicine, it is used as a neutralizer of inflammatory processes and burns in the mucous membranes of the ENT organs. Soda solutions have pronounced antiphlogistic and disinfecting properties. In alternative medicine, the product is often used to prepare mild antiseptics for irrigation of the oropharynx.

The creation of an alkaline environment in the oral cavity prevents the reproduction of pathogenic flora, which accelerates the regression of catarrhal processes. Sanitation of the oropharynx with soda preparations contributes to:

  • elimination of puffiness;
  • cleansing the tonsils and throat from mucus;
  • relief of pain;
  • destruction of fungal and microbial pathogens;
  • softening and evacuation of tonsilloliths (plugs) from the lacunae of the tonsils.

Overuse of soda can lead to dehydration of the throat, nausea, and high blood pressure.

Soda is used to treat lacunar and follicular tonsillitis, hypertrophic pharyngitis, bacterial laryngitis and other pathologies of the upper airways. If necessary, infusions of medicinal herbs - sage, chamomile, peppermint, sea buckthorn and oak bark can be added to the antiseptic solution. Local treatment with sodium bicarbonate is advisable to carry out not only in the form of irrigation, but also inhalations.

Therapeutic properties of salt

Salt is a colorless crystalline substance that has wound healing and antiseptic properties.

Against the background of a lack of sodium chloride in the body, the patient feels muscle weakness, rapid fatigue, dizziness, nausea, etc.

However, an excess of sodium ions can cause an increase in blood pressure. For this reason, it is undesirable to flush the oropharynx with saline solutions for persons suffering from hypertension.

For therapeutic purposes, it is more advisable to use iodized or sea salt - this is due to the high concentration of beneficial trace elements and minerals in the product.

A weakly concentrated saline solution allows the body to normalize water-salt metabolism, acid-base balance and cellular metabolism. The medicinal properties of the product, in particular sea salt, are due to the presence of the following components in its composition:

  • magnesium - inhibits allergic reactions, which prevents the occurrence of edema in lymphoid tissues and ciliated epithelium;
  • iron - takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin, due to which gas exchange is normalized in the cells;
  • iodine - maintains the rate of metabolic processes in the body at the proper level, promotes the production of thyroxine;
  • calcium - stimulates cellular immunity and accelerates tissue epithelization;
  • bromine - inhibits the synthesis of serotonin, which prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

A hypertonic solution for gargling is an absorbent that literally "draws out" purulent exudate and excess intercellular moisture from the tissues affected by inflammation. Regular washing of hypertrophied tonsils with preparations with salt helps to reduce the volume of organs, which prevents the occurrence of hypoxia.

Gargle recipes

How to properly flush the oropharynx with a solution of salt and soda? The effectiveness of physiotherapeutic treatment of infectious diseases is determined by the concentration of active substances in the preparation. An excess of bicarbonate and sodium chloride leads to dehydration of the ciliated epithelium and a deterioration in the patient's well-being. To prevent complications, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of powder antiseptics recommended by specialists.


  1. dissolve in 200 ml of boiled water for 1 tsp. salt and soda, adding 2-3 drops of 5% alcohol tincture of iodine to the liquid;
  2. add ½ tsp of sodium chloride and bicarbonate to 200 ml of sage infusion;
  3. mix 5 g of soda and salt each and fill them with 100 ml of hot mineral water;
  4. dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda and salt in 250 ml of water, then add 1 beaten egg white to the liquid.

It is undesirable to use concentrated soda-salt preparations for the treatment of children under the age of 4-5 years.

Gargling with soda and salt should be done daily at least 4 times a day. Otherwise, the effectiveness of physiotherapy treatment will be minimized.

Specialist recommendations

How to properly gargle with sore throat? During the procedure, it is highly undesirable to swallow a soda-salt solution. An alkaline liquid can disrupt the normal pH level in the stomach, leading to gastrointestinal dysfunction. Despite the simplicity of the technique for flushing a sore throat affected, one must strictly adhere to the rules recommended by specialists.

For women during gestation, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, sanitizing procedures should be carried out with extreme caution. Swallowing soda-salt preparations can lead to increased blood pressure and, accordingly, a deterioration in well-being. How to gargle?

  • drugs must be prepared immediately before use; rinse liquid should be warm, but not more than 38 degrees; irrigate 15-20 minutes after eating;
  • do not allow liquid to get inside, to do this, while rinsing, pronounce the sound "y-y-y";
  • after the session, do not rinse your throat with plain water and eat or drink for 30 minutes.

Is it possible to gargle with purulent inflammation of the glands? Washing the tonsils with concentrated soda-salt preparations helps to soften tonsilloliths. Regular irrigation of lymphoid tissues will only speed up the process of evacuation of purulent plugs from lacunae affected by inflammation. Sanitizing procedures can be performed only with warm, not hot preparations, which is associated with possible damage to the already inflamed throat mucosa.

Side effects and contraindications

Salt and soda are corrosive substances that can cause undesirable reactions if the recommended proportions are not followed. Soda-salt preparations have a number of contraindications for use, which should be taken into account before conducting local therapy.

An excess of sodium chloride and bicarbonate in the body can lead to the following consequences:

  • fluid retention in the body - leads to even greater swelling of the glands and oropharyngeal mucosa;
  • potassium-sodium imbalance - provokes malfunctioning of the heart muscle, which is fraught with tachycardia and increased blood pressure;
  • irritation of the gastrointestinal tract mucous membranes - contributes to the appearance of heartburn, flatulence and diarrhea.

In connection with the above reasons, gargling with soda and salt is not recommended for stomach ulcers, gastritis, hypertension, early pregnancy, nephritis, hemorrhagic diathesis and hypersensitivity to the components of the solution.