
Is a sick leave issued for high blood pressure or crisis

When is a sick leave issued for high blood pressure?

Sick leave for people with high blood pressure should ideally be given for examination in a hospital setting. In this case, he provides preventive therapy:

  • carrying out additional instrumental and laboratory research methods (to test the functioning of the most significant body systems);
  • selection of an individual treatment regimen (drugs taking into account concomitant diseases and doses depending on the characteristics of metabolism).

This option is most beneficial for the state, since it reduces the duration of the disability of those segments of the population whose work is most important for the development of the country's economy.

In another case, a sick leave for hypertension is issued compulsorily under the following conditions of admission to the hospital:

  • loss of consciousness on the street (syncope);
  • signs of paralysis;
  • neurological symptoms (cerebral hemorrhage — stroke);
  • acute abdominal pain, nausea (atypical hypertensive crisis);
  • sharp deterioration of vision: narrowing of the field of view, sudden perception of objects as blurry, the appearance of flies in front of the eyes.

Admission to a medical institution in this case is due to the following goals:

  • additional studies (blood pressure monitoring, electrocardiography, echocardiography, coronary angiography, computed tomography of the brain);
  • establishing diagnosis;
  • relief of a hypertensive crisis;
  • treatment of complications that have arisen;
  • prevention of permanent disability.

This option is most typical for existing realities, when a patient asks for help only when there is an immediate threat to life and health.

However, in such a case, the period of incapacity for work is longer, which is unprofitable for the state. Therefore, great importance is attached to primary (prevention of risk factors that cause arterial hypertension) and secondary (selection of drug therapy, which will exclude a sharp rise in pressure) prevention.

A third option for gaining temporary disability due to hypertension is possible. By the decision of a special commission, a sick leave may be issued for the period of retraining, if a person was found unfit for the performance of existing official duties.

The degree of hypertensionEmployment restrictions for hypertensive patients
ІProhibited heavy physical labor, work at heights, interaction with toxic substances (especially cardiovascular), vibration and temperature extremes
IIIn addition to the existing restrictions, it is prohibited to work the night shift, physical labor of moderate severity and neuropsychic overload.
ІІІThe ability to work is often completely lost, the question of assigning a disability is raised

At what pressure is the certificate of incapacity for work opened?

At high pressure, they give a sick leave, however, the values ​​ u200b u200bapproved in the clinical guidelines are not always indicative for individual people.

According to the protocols, numbers above 140 mm Hg are considered hypertension. systolic and 90 mm Hg. diastolic. There are enough of them for examination in a hospital.

Each degree of hypertension has its own numbers:

  • up to 15999 mm Hg - the first stage;
  • up to 179109 mm Hg mt. - the second;
  • above 180/110 mm Hg - the third.

However, there is a concept of individually high blood pressure - these are the numbers at which symptoms of a hypertensive crisis appear. The bottom line is that a person of retirement age has a blood pressure of 14090 mm Hg. can feel like a worker, and a teenager with the same values ​​will be disturbed by headaches and nausea.

It is generally accepted that systolic blood pressure is individually high, by 20-40 mm Hg. above the worker.

Timing and duration

3-5 days will be enough to undergo a routine examination in a hospital. If it is possible to conduct a study on an outpatient basis, a certificate of incapacity for work will be given for each day spent visiting diagnostic rooms.

It may take up to 10 days to select a drug therapy regimen. With the malignant nature of hypertension, its insensitivity to drugs of the first and second line, the period of hospitalization may be extended by the decision of a special commission.

Hospital for hypertensive crisis

Most often, sick leave with pressure is obtained in the case of a hypertensive crisis. People seek help for severe symptoms. The duration of the suspension from official duties depends on the type of crisis, the stage (degree of target organ damage) of hypertension and the complications that have arisen.

Stage of hypertensionSick leave for the first type of crisis (days)Duration of incapacity for work in the second type of crisis (days)
І3-5Not typical
ІІІNot typical25-30

The duration of hospitalization for a hypertensive crisis depends on the presence of complications:

  • hypertensive encephalopathy (the initial degree of damage to the brain tissue);
  • acute disorders of cerebral circulation (stroke);
  • angina pectoris;
  • acute heart failure;
  • stratification of a preexisting aortic aneurysm;
  • myocardial necrosis (infarction);
  • pulmonary edema.

Sample document


The need to issue a sheet of temporary disability in case of hypertension is determined, first of all, by the complaints and condition of the patient. Outpatient treatment is possible, but inpatient follow-up is more effective. The degree of risk of complications and the need for hospitalization is determined by the attending physician.

Most often, temporary disability is established with hypertensive crises.

The average duration of treatment in a hospital for patients with arterial hypertension is 11-14 days.