
Difference between validol and corvalol

The drugs Validol and Corvalol are widely used for attacks of chest pain, shortness of breath and a general deterioration in well-being against the background of cardiac pathology. These drugs have established themselves as a means of first aid to the patient. Quite often, patients have both medicines in their home medicine cabinet, and therefore they are used without taking into account the differences in composition and action. However, in addition to similarities, these drugs have fundamental differences, knowing which side effects can be avoided.

For what purposes are Validol and Corvalol used?

The main difference between Validol and Corvalol lies in their composition. Validol has a pronounced vasodilator effect, due to which it is used in the complex treatment of chest pain, heart pain. It has a mild sedative, sedative effect. The drug contains menthol ester, peppermint extract and valerian acid. Considering the herbal composition, it is dispensed without a prescription, in tablets.

The medicine has the following effect:

  1. Menthol irritates the cold receptors of the oral mucosa, is rapidly absorbed, activates the synthesis of active opioid peptides, endorphins.
  2. Changes vascular permeability and reduces pain attack.
  3. By expanding the coronary arteries, their spasm is relieved.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which allows Validol to be used for neurosis, anxiety disorder against the background of cardiac pathology.
  5. Due to its general sedative effect, it can be used for seasickness.
  6. It is indicated for functional cardialgia, angina pectoris in ischemic disease.

Corvalol has a sedative and mild tranquilizing effect. This effect is achieved due to the presence in the composition of barbiturates, phenobarbital. It is also based on valeric acid ethyl ester and menthol. The drug is available in drops or tablets. In some countries, it is included in the list of psychotropic drugs based on barbiturates, and is limited to import, use in therapeutic practice.

The spectrum of drug prescription:

  1. Essential oils and menthol, like Validol, have an antispasmodic effect.
  2. Reduces spasm of arteries and veins, smooth muscles, including the gallbladder, intestines.
  3. Reduces the effect on the vascular centers, thereby lowering blood pressure.
  4. Affects the digestive tract, in case of an overdose, causes oppression of peristalsis, constipation.
  5. Phenobarbital removes the activating effect on the cerebral cortex.
  6. Depending on the dose, it has a sedative or more pronounced hypnotic effect.
  7. In large doses, it has a tranquilizing effect.
  8. Used for neurosis, anxiety disorder, irritability or insomnia.
  9. With somatomorphic dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.
  10. In the complex therapy of hypertensive crisis with dizziness, nausea, tachycardia.

Does any of the drugs have advantages over the other?

As can be seen from the description, these drugs have a different composition, spectrum of action and, accordingly, indications. Validol is more often used in case of a stable course of angina pectoris, against the background of ischemic disease in the event of bouts of pain behind the sternum of low intensity. Effective for cardiac type of neurocirculatory dystonia, neurosis and anxiety. As a combination therapy it is used for angina pectoris, motion sickness or air sickness from motion sickness, nausea and headache. The only contraindication of the drug is diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance, since the tablets contain sugar.

Corvalol requires careful use. The medicine is effective for more pronounced pain syndrome, palpitations, chest discomfort against the background of a nervous shock or cardiac type of dystonia. The drug is indicated for the treatment of intestinal spasms of a neurovegetative nature. However, overdose phenobarbital causes cognitive and neurological impairment.

It should also be borne in mind that when using large doses, Corvalol:

  • addictive and tolerant;
  • reduces the metabolism of barbiturates, thereby reducing the effect of the dosage taken;
  • when addictive, it can cause nightmares with hallucinations;
  • increases the risk of withdrawal symptoms when the drug is discontinued.

It should be remembered that these drugs are not effective for a heart attack, heart attack, therefore, with a strong attack of anginal pain, you must call a doctor. As a last resort, take a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue while waiting for an ambulance. Also, you should not take Validol and Corvalol together to avoid allergic reactions and side effects.

What can replace these drugs?

Validol or Corvalol have proven themselves as first aid remedies for cardiac pain as a result of their rapid effect. After taking a pill under the tongue or taking drops, the drug quickly relieves spasm of the coronary vessels, an attack of heart pain. Effectively means and ... Currently, the pharmacy offers many analogues of drugs based on valerian, motherwort, hops, mint and lemon balm. The most popular tools are Persen, Tenoten, Novopassit and others.


Corvalol differs from Validol in its composition, the presence of bromine and phenobarbital, and ethyl alcohol. This drug is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation, with epilepsy, myasthenia gravis, acute renal or hepatic failure, respiratory syndrome, drug or drug addiction. In this case, preference should be given to combined herbal preparations, like Validol or analogs, without barbiturates in the composition. To prevent adverse drug reactions, you should consult a physician or cardiologist before taking it.