
Pressure indicators at 17 years old, symptoms of deviations

Today, an increase in blood pressure in young people is increasingly manifested. This is a rather serious problem, since it indicates serious disorders in the body. Often, both high and low blood pressure is recorded at the age of 17, and already at this age it is necessary to start treatment in order to prevent the manifestation of complications later.

Blood pressure is an indicator that indicates the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This is the force with which the blood presses on the walls of the vessels. The first indicator is measured with systole (myocardial contraction), and the second with diastole (at the time of cardiac relaxation).

It is noted that boys from 14 to 17 years old have lower blood pressure than girls aged 7 to 10 years. At the age of 7-17 years, spasmodic pressure is the norm. Already at the age of 15-17, blood pressure approaches that of an adult. This indicator can be from 100-140 / 70-90 mm Hg. Art. The pulse in this case can reach 80 beats per minute, but no more.

You can determine exactly what kind of pressure is the norm for a teenager. There is a certain calculation algorithm:

  • systolic pressure is calculated - 1.7 * age + 83;
  • diastolic pressure - 1.6 * age + 42.

It is better for a specialist to do all the calculations, since in this case, you also need to take into account the gender and height of the teenager. These indicators affect blood pressure, especially during puberty.

Deviations from the norm for young people from 15 to 17 years old are natural, since it is at this age that they can experience psycho-emotional stress and overwork. During this period, adolescents graduate from school, are determined with their future profession, and prepare for final and entrance exams. In addition, the psyche of a teenager is unstable, he reacts too brightly to criticism, experiences anxiety, and shows aggression. Many young people are often notorious. And this also leads to an increase or decrease in blood pressure.

High blood pressure at 17

High blood pressure in adolescents can occur due to hormonal changes. It is for this reason that pressure surges occur at the age of 15-17.

During this period, some hormonal substances are produced with great intensity. Another reason is vegetative-vascular dystonia. This is a syndrome that is not considered a pathological condition today. In this case, there may be high blood pressure in adolescents. But there may be other factors, for example, various pathologies. These are autoimmune disruptions, kidney, cancer, etc. Today, cases of hypertension are often recorded in adolescents of 14, 15, 17 years old due to a hereditary predisposition.

High blood pressure symptoms

The symptoms are similar to those of hypertension in adults. Signs:

  • Headache that is more intense in the morning.
  • Dizziness and tinnitus.
  • Psychoemotional disorders: the child becomes irritable, mood changes dramatically.
  • Fatigue and general weakness.

Of course, treatment is necessary in most cases. But if hypertension occurs due to age-related hormonal changes, then after 17 years this syndrome goes away on its own. Quite often, parents do not know at all that the child has high blood pressure. And poor health and behavioral changes are attributed to the transition period.

If the increase occurred due to certain pathological conditions, then therapeutic therapy is simply necessary. In order to determine whether a child has a systematic increase in pressure - one measurement is not enough, at least a threefold study is needed. Hypertension during adolescence is a common occurrence.


Hypertension treatment is necessary at any age. In this case, therapy should be comprehensive. Antihypertensive drugs are prescribed. For adolescents, doctors select the most gentle medicines, as well as the minimum dosage.

Still the necessary measures for the treatment of hypertension in a child are:

  • Correct diet. The diet should include vegetables, fruits and herbs, dairy products, etc.
  • A teenager needs physical activity according to his age, more walks in the fresh air. Some are encouraged to play sports, and some are prescribed physiotherapy exercises.
  • If you are overweight, then you need to get in shape, according to age.
  • A complete absence of bad habits is required. This is quite justified, since today teenagers are increasingly addicted to smoking, alcohol and even drugs.

Hypertension in children can be treated with folk remedies. But experts should recommend them, these funds have a mild hypotensive effect.

In the case of children and adolescents, it is especially important that the methods of traditional medicine are prescribed by the doctor. Children are very sensitive, and their allergic reaction can be much more severe than in adults.

Low pressure

Low blood pressure in adolescents is called hypotension, and this condition is characterized by indicators below 100/60 mm Hg. This condition is common in those who are lightweight. Quite often, hypotension does not bring discomfort to children, but there are cases when a child does not feel well.

Hypotension attacks most often occur in the fall. Also, adolescents prone to lowering blood pressure are very meteosensitive.


Hypotension is not necessarily a pathological condition; it is often a feature of adolescence. But there may be other reasons as well. The most popular is hormonal disruption. During puberty, the endocrine glands actively produce hormones, and this can provoke a decrease in pressure. Rapid growth is a normal factor in a decrease in performance in adolescents - if the child “stretches out” in a short period of time, and the circulatory system has not yet adapted.

In addition to hormonal changes, cardiovascular diseases can also cause hypotension in the body. These are heart defects, myocardial deformities, etc. These pathologies are often congenital, and today they are quite common. If the pathology is known, then in the transition period, cardiologists are especially careful to observe such patients.

Kidney pathologies can provoke low blood pressure in a teenager 14 years old and older. Since if kidney dysfunction leads to increased excretion of fluid from the body, then hypotension will manifest.

Stress is also a cause of hypotension in adolescents. Young people 17 years old have a lot of emotional stress and anxiety in their lives. The modern teenager is oversaturated with information, experiences can be from upcoming exams, relationships with the opposite sex.


Symptoms of low blood pressure in adolescents:

  • often manifested fatigue and loss of strength;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • noise in ears;
  • cold extremities;
  • drowsiness and impaired concentration, the child cannot concentrate;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • pallor;
  • darkening or fog before the eyes;
  • dyspnea;
  • excessive sweating;
  • the child becomes too sensitive to pain.

Low blood pressure often causes fainting. Weakness may occur after eating.

If the child has always been active, then with the manifestation of hypotension, he becomes very lethargic and sleepy. He will not want to play, go in for sports, go for a walk to his peers. If this occurs infrequently and does not last long, then there is no need to worry.

What to do with hypotension?

If hypotension manifests itself, then blood pressure should be naturally increased, this can be achieved through exercise, a cool shower. Teens aged 15-17 can drink weak coffee.

If the child tolerates this condition too badly, then it is important to consult a doctor. In order to understand what is the reason for the decrease, you will need to pass tests. Medicines are prescribed very rarely, in cases where there are pathologies.

A non-drug method of treatment is, as well as with high blood pressure, a correct lifestyle. In this case, the diet is important. Doctors recommend that such teenagers eat more often, but in smaller portions.

It is recommended to take a contrast shower. This will help to improve the tone of the body, thereby improving well-being. Still, hypotensive patients should not be in one position for a long time. A child and adolescent with frequent manifestations of hypotension should do exercises every half hour or just move. This will ensure a normal blood flow to the organs.

Such children are recommended to go in for swimming, cycling, football.

If the child does not feel well and the pressure is low, then massage can be performed. It is especially effective in the morning after waking up. This procedure will help improve the blood circulation process. The methods can be different, for example, using a towel or a special mitten.

If you act on the problem in a complex manner, then it must be borne in mind that, first of all, a teenager should get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can lower blood pressure, so a healthy sleep is a necessary measure. Therefore, oddly enough, parents must control that the teenager goes to bed on time, without sitting up at the computer, etc.

It is especially important for hypotensive patients to drink enough clean water. This amount should be up to 8 glasses. Especially in hot weather, when a person sweats a lot.

Young people aged 15-17 are quite often hypertensive or hypotonic. Most often this is due to hormonal changes, and therefore, this condition is fixable. But if any deviations are systemic, or the symptoms are too pronounced, then you need to consult a specialist.