
Does cinnamon stabilize blood pressure?

Cinnamon is a well-known spice with a pleasant aroma. It is often added to pastries and coffee. However, few people know that she often knows how to cope with such an unpleasant disease as high blood pressure. Hypertensive patients are often asked questions: "Cinnamon increases or decreases blood pressure, is it useful or not for hypertension?" To deal with them, you need to understand what useful properties this spice has and how it can have a healing effect on the human body.

This spice contains in its composition quite a lot of components useful to the body, including vitamins, trace elements, other groups of substances that have a good effect on the general condition, increase immunity, and improve metabolic processes. Some of them are presented in the table.

ComponentInfluence on the body
B vitaminsnormalize metabolic processes, promote wound healing and hematopoiesis
vitamin Cimproves immunity, participates in the processes of blood coagulation and tissue repair
vitamin Eslows down the aging process, ensures the functioning of the gonads, normalizes metabolic processes
manganeseprovides the processes of bone formation, immune reactions, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids
ironis a part of hemoglobin, participates in DNA synthesis, hematopoiesis processes
zincparticipates in the process of tissue restoration, body growth, provides reproductive function
essential oilsanti-inflammatory, vasodilating action

The presence of such valuable substances explains the positive effects of cinnamon consumption on the body. It has a complex effect on different organ systems:

  • tones up the body;
  • improves blood flow and heart function;
  • increases the clarity of vision;
  • promotes a more intense course of processes in the brain;
  • serves as a light pain reliever (for toothache, headache and acute pain in the liver);
  • helps to normalize blood sugar levels.

How cinnamon affects human blood pressure

One of the common causes of hypertension is the accumulation of cholesterol on the inner walls of blood vessels - atherosclerotic plaques. They narrow the vessel lumen and significantly interfere with normal blood flow. Subsequently, this can lead to the development of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes and other complications.

There are substances that dilate the walls of blood vessels, such as polyphenols. It is they that are contained in cinnamon, due to which this spice has a vasodilating effect.

These same substances are found in red wine, purple potatoes, pomegranates and some other fruits and vegetables. Recipes based on them really help to normalize blood pressure and get rid of the symptoms of hypertension:

  • frequent headaches, noise in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • deterioration of attention, memory;
  • chills and excessive sweating;
  • darkening in the eyes;
  • numbness of the limbs.

Cinnamon lowers blood pressure, therefore it is used in many recipes that relieve the described symptoms. The recipes are simple and quite affordable.

  1. Several large pinches of spice (about 2 teaspoons) can be mixed with yogurt and honey, taken in equal amounts. This mixture should be taken half a glass before each meal. The treatment lasts about 2 weeks - it is during this period that you can get a tangible result.
  2. Another option with a fermented milk base of the recipe is associated with kefir. You need to take a glass of kefir of any fat content (the main thing is that it is fresh), add 1-1.5 teaspoons of cinnamon and drink the whole glass before bedtime. You can take the product in the morning, until you get stable results.
  3. Also, the spice can be consumed without additional ingredients - for this, you can dissolve a teaspoon of the powder in a glass of water and drink the mixture before each meal. Typically, results begin to appear within the first week of treatment.
  4. Sweet lovers can try a recipe based on cinnamon and powdered sugar, mixing these components in a ratio of 1 to 3. You need to eat the sweetness 2 teaspoons before each meal (you can dissolve it in coffee or eat it dry).
  5. And perhaps the simplest recipe is to use cinnamon in your daily meal. To do this, you can spread honey on the bread and sprinkle it on top with a large pinch of spice.

IT IS INTERESTING! Such a breakfast is quite common in the USA and Canada - elderly people with hypertension are given such honey-cinnamon bread for breakfast every day. As a result, their health becomes noticeably better.

In what doses to use cinnamon for hypertensive patients

Cinnamon for hypertension is taken in certain doses, which depend on the individual characteristics of the patient:

  1. If the upper pressure is in the range of 155-160 units, then no more than 1 teaspoon of cinnamon should be consumed per day.
  2. If the upper value is greater than this number, then you need to increase the dose by 1.5-2 times.

You need to adjust the dose with caution, always focusing on your internal state, and also always measure the pressure with a tonometer. If the effect of treatment is weak, do not immediately increase the dose. It is necessary to continue to be treated for at least a week.

IT IS INTERESTING! Research by the Israeli doctor Weinstein, who is the chairman of the Diabetes Association, has shown that even a single dose of cinnamon lowers blood pressure by 3 units. The doctor came to the conclusion that cinnamon from high blood pressure really helps, therefore, hypertensive patients should take it systematically, 1 teaspoon per day in pure form or mixed with other products.

Side effects and contraindications

Excessive consumption of cinnamon can lead to some side effects. So, for example, in excessive doses, it can cause some lethargy and apathy, as well as lead to headaches.

The spice should be used with caution by the following categories of people:

  • Pregnant women (especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy).
  • Persons with chronic liver disease.
  • Having an individual intolerance to any component of cinnamon.

The benefits and harms of hypertension created by cinnamon have been studied quite well, therefore, in the event of side effects, it is imperative to suspend treatment and consult a doctor.

How to choose the right quality cinnamon

The quality of cinnamon is directly reflected in its healing properties. Cinnamon is an evergreen tree that grows primarily in the tropics. Its dried bark is used for confectionery and medical purposes. It is sold in the form of rolled tubes or immediately in a ground state. Choosing cinnamon in the form of tubes, you need to proceed from their appearance and aroma saturation.

  1. The best quality spice is obtained from the trees growing on the island of Ceylon. The dried bark tubes have a strong, rich aroma and easily crumble if you press them with your fingers. They are light brown and orange in color.
  2. A cheap analogue of quality cinnamon is obtained from a Chinese tree. The tubules have such a rich aroma, and they are closer to red-brown in color. They do not crumble because they have a stronger structure. Such cinnamon (also called cassia) has a less intense taste, and its medicinal value is noticeably lower.

Let's do an experiment

To understand for sure how high-quality cinnamon you bought, you can perform a simple experiment: drop an alcoholic solution of iodine and see the reaction.If the sticks or powder have acquired a dark blue color, then such cinnamon contains a lot of starch, which is typical for cassia.

Another option is to boil the cinnamon powder with boiling water, let it brew for half an hour and check the consistency. If it is closer to jelly (slimy), then this is also cassia.

Thus, in questions of whether cinnamon helps with hypertension, whether it increases blood pressure, you can put an end to and include this spice in the list of home remedies for every hypertensive patient.

It should also be borne in mind that cinnamon is an adjunct in the fight against high blood pressure. It should not replace the main drug prescribed by the doctor.