Throat ailments

Folk remedies for the treatment of laryngotracheitis

Laryngotracheitis has no age restrictions, so it can be diagnosed in children and adults. The only difference is that in childhood the disease is much more severe with a high risk of suffocation. All this is due to the anatomical features of the respiratory tract in children - a narrower larynx, loose fiber and intensive production of sputum. How to cure laryngotracheitis at home?

If there is a threat of asphyxia, you need to immediately call an ambulance, and not self-medicate. The disease often develops against the background of a viral infection, however, secondary infection with bacteria is not excluded. When to start treatment for laryngotracheitis? Let's list the first signs and symptoms of disease progression:

  1. sore throat;
  2. discomfort in the throat;
  3. dry cough that gradually becomes "barking" and soundless;
  4. hoarseness and roughness of the voice;
  5. subfebrile hyperthermia;
  6. malaise;
  7. fast fatiguability;
  8. decreased appetite; body aches.

The disease goes through several stages that characterize the progression of croup:

  • dysphonic stage - manifested by an increase in temperature and hoarseness. As the lumen of the larynx narrows and the voice-forming apparatus is damaged, the cough acquires a "barking" character. The child becomes lethargic and moody. This condition lasts 3 days, during which parents need to make every effort to treat the disease. This is necessary to prevent the onset of the next stage;
  • stenotic - characterized by heavy and noisy breathing. Inhalation is significantly lengthened, and the intercostal spaces begin to retract, which indicates the severity of inspiratory dyspnea. Signs of respiratory distress are manifested by blue discoloration of the tips of the fingers, lips, and ears;
  • the asphyxia stage is expressed by shortness of breath, low blood pressure and a rapid pulse. The child becomes inhibited and responds late to treatment. Without help, asphyxia and cardiac arrest occur.

In adults, the frequency of croup is extremely low, and the disease is much easier.

Herbal treatment

Alternative treatment is carried out as an addition to medication. Do not try to cure laryngotracheitis using only herbs.

Complex treatment has a detrimental effect on infectious pathogens, reduces the severity of inflammation and tissue swelling, thereby improving breathing.

With the disease, the following are widely used:

  1. herbal decoctions and infusions;
  2. healing products based on lemon and honey;
  3. foot baths;
  4. compresses;
  5. inhalation.

Treatment with folk remedies with herbs involves the use of nettle, St. John's wort, plantain, chamomile and linden.

Here are some recipes:

  1. for cooking, you need to mix the crushed coltsfoot, chamomile flowers, and oregano (1: 2: 1), after which you need to select 15 g of the collection and pour 240 ml boiling water. It is necessary to insist in a thermos and take 50 ml per day in small sips;
  2. the same volume should be mixed with crushed plantain, linden flowers, St. John's wort, calendula and marshmallow root. For a recipe, 15 g of the collection is enough, pour 450 ml of boiling water, boil for a quarter of an hour and leave for 5 hours. Then you need to filter and take 40 ml three times a day;
  3. St. John's wort grass must be dried, chopped, selected 40 g and brewed in 300 ml of boiling water in a thermos for two hours. After filtering the infusion, you need to drink 30 ml once a day before meals. You can also brew oregano, plantain and wild rosemary;
  4. 20 g of dry coltsfoot, marshmallow root should be mixed with 15 g licorice root, 10 g fennel and 10 g mullein flowers. The components are crushed and 15 g of the collection is taken. This volume is filled with cold water (240 ml) and infused for two hours under a lid. After that, you need to boil the product and cool. Take by sips throughout the day.

Foot bath

Warming-up procedures should not be performed with fever above 37.5 degrees.

The simplest procedure is foot baths. It has a warming effect, the result of which is an increased outflow of blood from the upper half of the body and its deposition in the veins of the lower extremities.

  • to carry out the warming procedure, you should prepare a small basin with warm water (temperature about 40 degrees). Then you need to lower your legs into the pelvis for a quarter of an hour. After the end of the session, you must put on warm wool socks. Breathing will become easier after 10 minutes;
  • another method involves rubbing the feet with turpentine, after which it is also recommended to wear woolen socks;
  • mustard powder can be poured into socks, which will warm the feet throughout the night. If the mustard starts to bake strongly, you can replace it with other socks (without powder).

Gargling can be done by:

  1. 15 g of elderberry, St. John's wort, and mother-and-stepmother must be mixed, chopped and poured with boiling water in a volume of 450 ml. The container with the medicine must be boiled over low heat for 10 minutes, then left to infuse for two hours, covered with a lid. The prepared medicinal medicine needs to be filtered, add 40 ml of sea buckthorn oil;
  2. soda-salt solution (5 g of ingredients per glass of water).

Don't forget about oral medications:

  • in the fight against cough, radish is a powerful medicine. A medium-sized root vegetable is suitable for the recipe. It should be washed well, cut off the crown and carefully make a small indentation with a knife. Pour honey into it and leave it overnight. Waking up in the morning, you can see the juice in the depression. It must be drained and taken 10 ml three times a day. The depression is closed again with honey;
  • warm milk with honey is suitable to restore the voice;
  • a medium-sized onion must be peeled, chopped finely and mixed with 15 g of sugar. Then pour 220 ml of boiling water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes until a thick consistency is obtained. After filtering the mixture, you must take 5 ml three times a day, having previously held it in your mouth without swallowing;
  • the carrots are thoroughly washed, peeled, crushed with a grater, then the juice is squeezed out. For 220 ml of juice, 15 g of honey is required. You need to take the medicine 4 times a day, 50 ml;
  • in the fight against cough, you can use lemon and honey. You need to cut the lemon from different sides and cook it for a quarter of an hour until a soft consistency appears. After that, you need to cool and squeeze out the juice. Add liquid honey (1: 1) to the pitted lemon pulp. The resulting mixture is mixed with 15 g of glycerin (you can buy it at the pharmacy). After thorough mixing, children need to take 5 ml three times a day, and adults - 15 g;
  • another effective remedy is fig infusion. For the recipe, you need 100 g of fresh fruits and boiled milk with a volume of 240 ml. You need to soak the ingredient in milk, leave for 7 hours, mash the berries and drink the medicine three times a day, 70 g each;
  • home treatment is carried out with ginger. Grind the ginger root, add honey (about 100 ml) and cook for 5 minutes, stirring not forgetting. The resulting sweetness can be added to tea before bedtime;
  • a decoction of garlic can be prepared from five cloves, which need to be peeled, chopped with a garlic and mixed with 300 ml milk. Then you need to boil the milk, cool it and take 5 ml 6 times a day;
  • apricot pits must be peeled from the film, dried and ground into powder. 3 g can be added to tea or milk, taken three times a day.

In the treatment of laryngotracheitis, oil preparations should not be used.They settle on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and make breathing difficult.

Traditional treatment

Do not forget about drug therapy. For this, inhalations with mucolytics (Ambrobene), hormonal agents (Pulmicort), non-carbonated mineral water and Interferon are perfect. You should also take antihistamines (Suprastin, Erius, Cetrin), use vasoconstrictor nasal drops (Nazivin) and expectorants (Acetylcysteine, Lazolvan).

During treatment, some recommendations are required. They relate to abundant drinking (non-carbonated mineral water, warm milk with soda), limiting physical activity, proper nutrition with vitamins and excluding dishes that irritate the mucous membranes, regular airing of the room, cleaning, humidifying the air and strengthening the immune system.