Throat ailments

Homeopathy for tonsillitis

Homeopathic medicines are medicines that are made according to the method of the German physician Hahnemann, who lived more than 100 years ago. The method is based on the principle of similarity. In fact, this means that during an illness, in order to be cured, it is necessary to take such medicinal substances that, during a healthy state, cause similar symptoms. To minimize the side effects of medicinal substances, it is necessary to carry out a potentiation procedure. Potentiation is the dissolution of a drug in water, sugar, alcohol, and so on. Consider a simple example - it has long been known that the use of mercury causes the same symptoms as a common kidney disorder.

According to the logic of homeopaths, with kidney disorders, it is necessary to take mercury in extremely small doses in order to cure a person. You need to understand that during the existence of homeopathy has gone through a small evolution.

Therefore, today, in the manufacture of modern homeopathic medicines, heavy metals and their salts are very rarely used, acids are rarely used, preference is given to safe chemical compounds, as well as various extracts from medicinal plants (this technique even has a special name - phyto-homeopathy).

Homeopathic medicines are quite effective remedies for mild to moderate diseases. They also alleviate the symptoms of severe illness.

Benefits of homeopathic medicines

The technology for the manufacture of homeopathic medicines is quite different from the technology for the manufacture of other medicines. For this reason, homeopathic medicines have several benefits that may seem atypical for conventional medicines:

  • Medicinal substances do not accumulate in the body, since they are present in very large dilutions in a homeopathic preparation.
  • Extremely low allergenicity.
  • Safety and almost complete absence of side effects. Because of this, homeopathic treatment is suitable for children, the elderly, as well as pregnant women.
  • Good efficiency.
  • Good compatibility with common medicines.
  • A wide variety, since homeopathy is already more than 100 years old, and during this time a large number of effective medicines have been created for all major diseases.
  • Low price (although there are also expensive homeopathic medicines).
  • Treatment with such drugs is characterized by the absence of addiction and withdrawal syndrome.

Effective remedies for tonsillitis

Taking homeopathic medicines is an effective way to combat acute and chronic tonsillitis. Doctors are eager to prescribe these medications for children because they can prevent sore throat. The homeopathic method is a complex treatment.

This means that the medicine heals not only the diseased organ, but also heals the body as a whole, creating favorable conditions for a quick recovery. The selection of a medicine is carried out individually by a homeopathic physician. When choosing a medicine, parameters such as gender, weight, age, medical history of the patient, and so on are taken into account. The main drugs for tonsillitis look like this:

  • Baryta Carbonica (barium carbonate). This medication is most effective against mild tonsillitis. Numerous studies show that this drug not only effectively eliminates the symptoms of acute tonsillitis, but also enhances immunity. The medicine is also effective against chronic tonsillitis, when bacteria have settled in bags on the tonsils. This medication is absolutely safe, so doctors can prescribe it to children and pregnant women. Another additional plus of the drug is its high efficiency against tonsillitis complicated by scrofula.
  • Guaiacum (gum of the guaiac tree). Another highly effective remedy for tonsillitis. Studies show that the drug is effective even at the first symptoms of tonsillitis. The drug also effectively fights symptoms such as sore throat, headache, fatigue, pain in the limbs.
  • Calcarea phosphorica (calcium phosphate). The drug is usually prescribed when the tonsils are flaccid and pale, and hearing is impaired. This medicine is also good for treating lymphoid hypertrophy.
  • Calcarea iodata (calcium iodide). This medicine well heals enlarged tonsils, and also heals the body as a whole. This drug is used for chronic tonsillitis because it can relieve symptoms such as shortness of breath, swelling and coughing.
  • Bromine (bromine). Another effective remedy for chronic tonsillitis. This drug is prescribed when the tonsils are swollen and covered with a network of blood capillaries, which indicates the active multiplication of bacteria and viruses in the tonsils. Effectively fights disease, and also reduces the likelihood of getting sick again in the future.
  • Lycopodium (Lycopodium spores). The medicine is a potentiated extract from the spores of the lymphoid. It is prescribed when the tonsils are enlarged and covered with small ulcers.

This medicine is usually prescribed for acute tonsillitis because it fights well with symptoms such as weakness, malaise, fever, and chills.

  • Ferrum phosphoricum (iron phosphate). The medicine is prescribed if the tonsils are enlarged and have a smooth swelling. This medicine is used for both chronic and acute tonsillitis. Potentiated iron phosphate can effectively combat symptoms such as swelling, sore throat, malaise, and so on.
  • Belladonna (belladonna). It is an extract from the formidable plant of the same name. Thanks to the unique system of laboratory processing, the drug is completely safe. The drug is prescribed during attacks of acute tonsillitis.
  • Gelsemium (jasmine yellow). It is a yellow jasmine extract. Effectively suppresses tonsillitis, and also fights well against symptoms such as sore throat, pain when swallowing, and ear pain.
  • Phytolacca (American phytolacca). It is prescribed for tonsillitis with pain in the area of ​​the tongue root.
  • Ignatia (strychnos Ignatia). It is an extract from the fruits of a small plant of the same name. Copes well with tonsillitis when the tonsils are covered with yellowish-white ulcers. The drug is ineffective against chronic tonsillitis.
  • Hepar sulphuris (calcareous sulfuric liver). There is evidence that this drug was invented by the founder of the homeopathic method, Christian Hahnemann. Effectively fights against "shooting" pain in the area of ​​inflamed tonsils.
  • Kali Muriaticum (potassium chloride). It is prescribed for chronic tonsillitis with very severe swelling. The effectiveness of treatment with this drug for acute tonsillitis is quite low.
  • Lachesis (snake venom extract). It is prescribed for advanced chronic tonsillitis with relapses in the form of tonsillitis. Despite the formidable title, the medicine is absolutely safe due to the repeated potentiation of the active substance.

Things to Remember When Choosing a Homeopathic Medicine

It can be quite difficult to choose a homeopathic medicine yourself.

When choosing a medicine, remember the following:

  • Homeopathic medicines are rather poor at treating serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, and so on. If you have a very serious medical condition, it makes sense to combine traditional medicine with homeopathic medicines.
  • Give preference to homeopathic medicines based on non-poisonous plants and mushrooms. Treatment with such drugs is absolutely safe.
  • It makes no sense to buy expensive homeopathic pills, since they necessarily have a cheaper analogue.

If you are unable to choose a homeopathic remedy on your own, you can consult a homeopathic physician. When choosing a doctor, keep the following in mind:

  • It takes a lot of experience to be a good homeopathic doctor. If a doctor does not have his own office, he has few patients and he is not aware of current trends - something is wrong here.
  • A good homeopath will not advise you to abandon classical medicine in the event of a serious illness. Rather, he will advise you to take homeopathic remedies in parallel with your main treatment to relieve symptoms and reduce the side effects of conventional medications.