Throat ailments

Causes of tonsillitis congestion

The main root cause of the appearance of caseous (purulent) plugs is considered to be inflammation of the glands in a chronic form, caused by all kinds of infectious diseases. Even with a common cold, people suffer from swelling of the laryngeal mucosa, and this, in turn, irritates the nerve endings. A person feels discomfort due to constant pain and sore throat.

Often tonsillitis plugs are treated at home on their own - by drinking plenty of fluids and gargling. However, this is wrong, since self-treatment can lead to the development of chronic forms of pharyngeal disease. One of them is chronic tonsillitis, which is manifested in most cases by an unpleasant taste in the mouth and a feeling of a lump in the throat. The disease is common among adults and children.

Caseous plugs can occur for various reasons that can lead to inflammation caused by microorganisms. The doctor can prescribe a specific treatment only after receiving and examining a swab of the patient's larynx. The following factors contribute to the appearance of inflammation of the glands:

  • violation of the rules for caring for the oral cavity;
  • injury to the tonsils with various objects (this leads to infection);
  • weakening of the immune system (protective functions of the body);
  • chronic diseases of the nose, for example, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.;
  • lack of vitamins B and C;
  • constant consumption of only protein foods.

Also, diseases can cause hypothermia, allergies or hereditary predisposition. Only the correct determination of the cause of the inflammation and the timely treatment of purulent plugs can prevent serious consequences.

Tonsillitis in adults and children

With tonsillitis, angina is often observed, which manifests itself as white and yellow plugs in almost the entire area of ​​the tonsils. Among the symptoms of the disease, the following are distinguished:

  • body temperature rises;
  • the patient is worried about headaches;
  • the desire to eat disappears;
  • general weakness arises throughout the body.

When taking a blood test, an increased number of leukocytes is often found. If diphtheria sore throat is found, children are urgently hospitalized, since this disease can lead to serious complications. With diphtheria, gray purulent deposits are found, when removed, the patient feels severe pain.

Parents are often worried about the removal of tonsils from a child. There is no need to rush here, as children often "outgrow" the disease. However, if there is a danger of complications in the kidneys, joints or heart, surgery should be done immediately. But only an experienced doctor should make a decision and prescribe treatment.

Chronic tonsillitis can occur in people with weakened immune systems, living in environmentally unfavorable conditions, or inappropriate self-medication. The disease can manifest itself as a sore throat at the time of exacerbation. The patient is often worried about tonsillitis plugs, accompanied by a sulfuric odor from the mouth. Therefore, adults also quite often come to the doctor with a request to prescribe treatment for the resulting caseous plugs.

Careless treatment can lead to negative consequences. Previously transferred diseases, one way or another associated with the presence of caseous plugs, lead to serious diseases of the internal organs and joints.

Symptoms and signs of the manifestation of the disease

As mentioned above, chronic tonsillitis is determined by such a basic feature as caseous plugs. And although there are cases when small caseous plugs do not bother the patient, the disease manifests itself in other symptoms:

  • unpleasant odor from the oral cavity (brushing your teeth and various refreshing agents do not help to remove the odor due to the production of sulfur compounds by microorganisms in the resulting traffic jams);
  • painful sensations when swallowing (increased sensitivity of nerve receptors (endings) in the mucous membrane of the oropharynx) and difficulty in passing food (the result of an increase in the glands with prolonged progression of the inflammatory process);
  • the nerve receptors of the mucous membrane are irritated by tonsillitis plugs, as a result there is a feeling that there is a foreign body in the larynx region (it can manifest itself on one side or on both, and be accompanied by a dry cough).

The presence of these factors and the absence of treatment contribute to the transition of the process of inflammation from acute to chronic. The most dangerous with such tonsillitis is the long-term presence in the glands of the infection. In this case, most often calcium salts (sometimes magnesium and other substances) can be deposited in traffic jams, as a result of which they solidify.

Chronic inflammation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • adhesions are formed between the glands and the anterior palatine arches or other adjacent organs - this is due to the release of one of the blood plasma proteins (fibrin) in the focus of inflammation;
  • the body temperature rises - most often during the period of acute inflammation, but sometimes the temperature is 37-37, 5 ° C for a long time;
  • the disease is accompanied by frequent sore throats and inflammation of the palatine arches, expressed by edema and redness;
  • the general condition of the body worsens: high fatigue, performance is significantly reduced, weakness appears throughout the body, as a result, metabolic disorders and restructuring of immunity;
  • lymph nodes increase, and painful sensations, swelling of the skin and its redness in the lymph nodes are noted;
  • the presence of inflammation can be indicated by the result of a general blood test (the total number of white blood cells, leukocytes, and the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells - erythrocytes increase).

Tonsillitis congestion does not appear in a few minutes, this process lasts a certain time. Their formation occurs as a result of a violation of the protective functions of the body for a long time. For this reason, the patient, as a rule, has not one, but several symptoms at once.

Treatment and preventive measures

Throat plugs are always accompanied by an unpleasant sulfurous odor from the mouth area. The patient is burdened by this, and he agrees to take drastic measures, such as removing the tonsils. In medicine, surgery to remove the tonsils is called tonsillectomy. However, any operation requires serious reasons.

When the tonsils are removed, not only the anatomy of the pharynx is disturbed, but also its protective functions, which can lead to further unpleasant consequences, for example, chronic pharyngitis, which is quite difficult to treat.

Tonsillitis plugs are not an indication for surgery. With the right approach, the treatment of the disease can do without surgery.

Without surgery, the plugs in the throat are treated by flushing the glands or by vacuum suction. Such procedures are prescribed and carried out only by a specialist. Self-removal of caseous plugs is not recommended, as it can drive them even deeper. As a result, the glands are damaged and their condition worsens. When treating in various ways without the supervision of a doctor, new plugs may appear after their initial removal.

During illness, the condition may improve when the patient gargles. However, for the relief of tonsillitis plugs, this method of treatment is ineffective.The gargle acts only on the outer tissue of the tonsils, and the caseous plugs are located deep in the throat.

Surgical treatment is used only in extreme cases. The standard method of surgery is the removal of the tonsils or their excision with a wire loop. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. In modern medicine, treatment by removing tonsils is carried out using ultrasound, a laser, and methods of exposure to ultra-low temperatures or high-frequency current (electrocoagulation) are used.

While maintaining the natural functions of the tonsils, only the affected tissues operate - they are reduced in size in order to prevent the formation of caseous plugs or the tonsils are partially removed. In order to prevent the disease, doctors recommend contacting them in a timely manner if inflammation in the oral region is detected. When treating, it is important to follow the instructions of the doctor, including the use of prescribed antibiotics.

Chronic tonsillitis does not bother people who care about their health - they go in for physical education and eat well. Preservation of the local resistance of the tonsil tissues by strengthening the immune system can protect against the development of primarily chronic tonsillitis.