Nasal medications

What apparatus is the most effective for warming up the nose?

Treating a common cold can be done with medications and physical therapy. The task of physiotherapy is to enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs, accelerate tissue healing, reduce inflammation and tissue edema. For a thermal procedure, it is enough to have a device for warming up the nose. It is very effective for rhinitis, when the inflammation of the nasal passages is caused by freezing or prolonged inhalation of cold air.

Difficulty in nasal breathing is accompanied not only by local symptoms, but also by systemic ones. The person is worried about headache, insomnia, irritability. In addition, there is profuse rhinorrhea, nasal congestion and sneezing.

A runny nose can be caused by:

  • viral infection, for example, influenza, corona-, rhino-, adenoviruses;
  • bacterial pathogens;
  • allergic factors;
  • chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • adenoiditis;
  • frequent colds against the background of immunodeficiency;
  • unfavorable living conditions (dampness, cold);
  • professional hazards (draft, cold, moisture).

The predisposing factors that impede the passage of air through the nasal passages and predispose to hypersecretion include:

  1. deformation of the septum of traumatic origin;
  2. anomalies in the structure of the nasal passages;
  3. polyposis growths;
  4. hypertrophic rhinitis.

Rhinitis goes through several stages:

  1. at the first stage, irritation of the mucous membrane by a provoking factor (allergen, microbes) occurs, as a result of which sneezing is observed, increased secretion. This is a protective reaction of the body, aimed at flushing "provocateurs" from the nasal passages. A slight nasal congestion caused by swelling of the mucous membrane may also disturb;
  2. for the second, the appearance of profuse rhinorrhea is characteristic. Mucous discharge is characterized by a watery consistency and transparency. At this stage, general symptoms are observed in the form of hyperthermia, headache, severe malaise, joint aches;
  3. at the third stage, nasal discharge becomes more viscous, acquires a yellowish tint.

If the watery discharge persists for 7-10 days, allergies should be suspected.

Warming up with a blue lamp

One of the effective home therapy methods is heating with a blue lamp. It emits infrared heat that can penetrate deep into the layers. The device operates in:

  • activation of local blood flow;
  • acceleration of regeneration;
  • sanitation of the inflammatory focus;
  • reducing pain.

During the procedure, you should warm up the bridge of the nose. The device should be located at a distance of 20 cm from the skin. A person should feel soft warmth, and not the scalding effect of light. The duration of the rewarming is 10 minutes, during which it is recommended to close your eyes.

In order not to aggravate the course of the disease, it is necessary to take into account the presence of contraindications. These include:

  1. exacerbation of sinusitis;
  2. hyperthermia;
  3. purulent discharge. The fact is that the thermal effect on the infectious focus can provoke the progression of the disease due to the intense multiplication of microbes;
  4. neoplasms in the nasal passages, paranasal sinuses;
  5. exacerbation of chronic adenoiditis;
  6. violation of the integrity of the skin in the paranasal zone.

Fairy device

The device has a therapeutic effect due to its warming properties. It enhances local blood flow, accelerates tissue healing and reduces the severity of rhinorrhea.

The device is easy to use and widely used in medical institutions. "Fairy" can be assigned to a child over one year old, but be careful. The skin of children is very thin, sensitive, so warm your nose carefully, do not bring the heat source close to the skin.


The device allows you to warm up the inner surface of the nose. Due to the inhalation of warm steam, the inflammatory focus decreases in volume, the severity of tissue edema decreases, and nasal breathing is facilitated.

The steam temperature should not exceed 45 degrees to avoid burns of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

You can enhance the therapeutic effect with essential oils such as tea tree, pine, eucalyptus.


Quartz lamps can be used to treat rhinitis. They have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, thereby eliminating the cause of the disease.

The device can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes after severe hypothermia or communication with a person suffering from viral pathology. In addition, it is used during an epidemic to strengthen local defenses and reduce the risk of infection.

Before starting the procedure at home, you should carefully study the instructions for the device. This will avoid its breakdown and prevent complications of the disease.


Its therapeutic effect is due to the action of high-frequency current on the inflamed tissues, which allows to destroy the infection and reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Due to the activation of local blood flow, it is possible to improve the delivery of immune components to the pathological focus, as well as to normalize the nutrition of the affected tissues.

It is forbidden to use the device for people with a pacemaker, with fever, cardiac rhythm disturbances, active stage of tuberculosis, pregnancy.

Almag 01

The device includes a block (current generator), as well as inductors. With the help of special indicators, you can evaluate the operation of the device. The green indicator indicates its connection, the appearance of yellow indicates the start of the heat source.

The duration of the procedure is 22 minutes, after which the device turns off and the yellow indicator goes out. To repeat the procedure, you must completely turn off the device, then turn it on again.

The inductor, through which heat will flow, should be applied to the skin or to a gauze layer. Under the influence of a magnetic field, the structure of the affected tissues is restored, metabolic processes are normalized, as well as the functions of the nasal mucosa.

The Almag 01 effect provides a decrease in the intensity of pain syndrome, a decrease in tissue edema and an improvement in microcirculation. Contraindications include:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. oncological diseases;
  3. violation of cerebral blood flow;
  4. purulent foci;
  5. age up to two years;
  6. bleeding;
  7. increased production of thyroid hormones;
  8. postinfarction period.

Relief can be expected after several sessions. The procedure is best done one hour before or two hours after a meal. In most cases, Almag 01 is prescribed for the treatment of chronic rhinitis. During the procedure, it is forbidden to move the device, pull the cord, place it near other devices that emit a magnetic field.


The device belongs to effective physiotherapy devices that are used in the fight against a cold at home. Its action is:

  • reduction of tissue edema;
  • elimination of nasal congestion;
  • strengthening local immunity;
  • a decrease in the volume of mucous secretions.

"Antinasmork" has a mild therapeutic effect on the mucous membrane, does not irritate it and has a minimum of side effects.

The device is very easy to use.After the expiration of a 3-minute warm-up session, the device automatically turns off, which prevents burns to the nasal mucosa. According to the instructions, the procedure should be carried out as follows:

  1. we take the device out of the box, install the power supply;
  2. we insert glass tubes into the nasal passages, fix them in a comfortable position;
  3. turn on the device;
  4. you need to warm up the nose for three minutes;
  5. after the end of the session, the device turns off on its own, which is accompanied by a sound signal.

"Antinasmorch" allows you to quickly get rid of the symptoms of rhinitis, cure chronic rhinitis. It is also used for prophylactic purposes in the autumn-winter period and during an epidemic of viral diseases.

It is prohibited to warm your nose with a runny nose with the help of "Antinasma" if:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. acute stage of cerebral, coronary blood flow disturbance;
  3. severe cardiac insufficiency;
  4. oncopathology of any localization;
  5. active stage of tuberculosis;
  6. respiratory failure 3 degrees;
  7. fever;
  8. severe renal, liver failure.


The operation of the device is based on ultrasonic radiation, which penetrates deeply into the tissues. The healing effect is enhanced by the magnetic field. Relief comes in 2-3 days.

The device is quite simple to operate. For the procedure, it is enough to turn on the device and insert the tips into the nasal passages. After the procedure, you need to sterilize the attachments for 10 minutes in boiling water.

Carrying out warming procedures at home is recommended in the absence of contraindications. Dosed heat allows you to quickly cure a runny nose without drugs. However, do not forget to control the dynamics of treatment according to your well-being, the level of fever and the color of nasal discharge. If you suspect the development of complications, you should immediately consult a doctor.