Throat ailments

The causes of laryngitis

Laryngitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the lining of the larynx. In rare cases, this pathology is an independent disease. Usually acute laryngitis is one of the symptoms of ARVI development in the body, as well as measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever.

An isolated acute process is discussed only in the absence of damage to the rest of the upper respiratory tract, nose, pharynx. Understand what laryngitis is - an independent disease, or a symptom of a process, possibly by examining the complaints, conducting an objective examination of the patient, collecting anamnesis data.

In addition, a spilled form is isolated when the entire mucous membrane of the larynx is affected, or the process can affect only its individual structures, the vocal cords, the epiglottis, the subglottic region.

The disease can be acute or chronic.


Laryngitis in adults and children is most often caused by exposure to influenza and parainfluenza viruses, the causative agent of adenovirus infection, but other pathogenic agents can also participate in the development of an inflammatory reaction:

  • bacteria;
  • mushrooms;
  • specific pathogens, diphtheria and tubercle bacillus, pale treponema, gonorrheal pathogen;
  • allergens.

The main route of transmission of ARVI is airborne. In this case, the disease is characterized by pronounced contagiousness. If the infectious process proceeds with symptoms of laryngitis, then people who have been in contact with the patient may also develop these signs. In this regard, it cannot be ruled out that such a patient is contagious. However, in the event that inflammation of the larynx is caused by exposure to non-infectious pathogens, the people around them can feel calm.

An important role in the development of the disease belongs to the provoking factors:

  • thermal;
  • exposure to hazardous gases, hot steam, chemical compounds, chlorine, benzene;
  • the presence of bad habits, smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • overexertion of the vocal apparatus as a result of screaming, loud singing or prolonged speech.

Inflammation of the larynx is often the result of thermal exposure, hypothermia. However, drinking or eating too hot or cold food can also lead to the development of these symptoms. The chronic course of laryngitis is most often due to a decrease in immunity, impaired metabolism. As a result, the body becomes susceptible to the effects of even minor pathogenic factors.


Inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort in the throat;
  • a qualitative change in the voice;
  • cough.

The disease is not accompanied by a violation of the general condition. The patient remains active, leads a normal life, his ability to work is impaired only in rare cases. Body temperature can be within subfebrile, or be characterized by normal values. Discomfort in the throat manifests itself as soreness, scratching. There may be soreness, aggravated by eating.

An important symptom indicating the involvement of the larynx in the process is a qualitative change in the voice.

He becomes hoarse, his fatigue from talking is typical. In severe cases, aphonia can develop when sonority is completely absent. At the same time, whispered speech is preserved.

Types of laryngitis

Clarification of the diagnosis is possible after an instrumental examination, laryngoscopy. Inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa is manifested by hyperemia and swelling of its walls. The vocal folds become bright pink or red and appear thickened. In an acute process, catarrh of the throat can be combined with the same changes in the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx.

However, changes in the larynx are not always catarrhal. The disease can occur in other forms. For the hypertrophic form of laryngitis, in addition to some hyperemia and edema, the growth of the epithelium on the vocal cords is characteristic. The dimensions of these tubercles are several millimeters.

This form of the disease develops mainly in patients whose professional activities are associated with overstrain of the vocal apparatus, that is, the larynx and its structures. Most often, teachers, singers, lecturers are affected. A mandatory symptom indicating this form of the disease is a deterioration by the end of the day, the appearance of a hoarse voice.

Atrophic laryngitis is characterized by thinning of the mucous membrane, the presence of mucus and dry crusts on it. In this case, not only the larynx can become inflamed, but also the pharynx, which is characterized by a similar lesion. Experts believe that this process is due to the systematic consumption of spicy, rough food and is most typical for residents of a certain area.

Exposure to a diphtheria pathogen can lead to the development of diphtheria of the oropharynx or diphtheria of the larynx, an isolated lesion of which is rare, but severe, can lead to laryngospasm and suffocation. Diphtheria of the oropharynx is usually characterized by a favorable course, as a result of which it is difficult to carry out differential diagnosis with purulent tonsillitis. However, in rare cases, there may be a spread of the process, the involvement of the larynx in it. Diphtheria laryngitis develops. The course of the disease becomes severe.

Tuberculous laryngitis has some features found during endoscopic examination.

The spread of the tuberculous process from the lungs to the larynx is evidenced by the presence of tuberosity of its mucous membrane, as well as possible destructive processes in the laryngeal cartilage and epiglottis.

However, the clarification of the diagnosis is based on the results of laboratory diagnostics, biopsy, and the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis.

It is possible to assume the syphilitic nature of the laryngeal lesion when a plaque and ulcerative lesion of the larynx wall is detected, which is characteristic of secondary syphilis. In the future, scarring of the tissue of the vocal cords and other parts of the larynx may occur. Syphilitic lesion of the larynx is manifested by a constant hoarse voice.

Phlegmonous laryngitis can develop as a complication of other processes occurring in the oropharynx, purulent tonsillitis, diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever, typhoid fever. In this case, the clinical picture changes. Symptoms are due to the development of purulent lesions:

  • acute onset;
  • severe malaise;
  • temperature rise to 39-40 degrees;
  • chills.

The conducted objective examination allows you to detect a focus of purulent inflammation. Purulent laryngitis can also be the result of traumatic damage to the larynx. The development of this symptomatology is caused by the addition of a bacterial infection.

Laryngitis with measles develops after 6-7 days from the onset of the disease. Moreover, it can be characterized by a rather severe course, intoxication. An objective examination allows you to determine the ulcerative necrotic lesion of the laryngeal mucosa. The vocal cords are bright red, covered with mucus.


Due to the variety of reasons that can lead to the development of inflammation of the larynx, the prevention of laryngitis is quite difficult. It includes both increasing immunity and measures aimed at reducing the negative impact from the outside. The main activities are as follows:

  • refusal from bad habits, the use of strong alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • inhalation of purified air that does not contain impurities of gas, dust, harmful chemicals is recommended;
  • exclusion from the diet of too hot or cold foods and drinks, hot spices, acidic foods that irritate the mucous membrane;
  • increasing the body's defenses by taking appropriate immunostimulating drugs;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • gymnastics, physical education;
  • during the period of remission - carrying out procedures for hardening the body;
  • timely vaccination against childhood infections, diphtheria;
  • anti-epidemic measures recommended for influenza.

Prevention of laryngitis is an important part of measures to prevent the development of not only an inflammatory process in the larynx, but also a malignant lesion.