
The effectiveness of "Concor" and "Anaprilin" in tachycardia

Preparations from the group of beta-blockers are used in cardiology and therapy to treat a larger number of pathological conditions. These drugs act on beta-adrenergic receptors, inhibiting their ability to respond to stimuli. When the first type of beta receptor is blocked, the strength and heart rate decreases. The effect on the second type increases the resistance of peripheral vessels. The use of "Anaprilin" and "Concor" for tachycardia allows you to quickly lengthen the cardiac cycle and decrease the pulse rate.

Influence of "Anaprilin" on the heart rate

The active ingredient of the Anaprilin drug is propranolol. Has a hypotensive effect, lowers blood pressure. It has an antiarrhythmic effect due to a direct effect on beta-adrenergic receptors of the first and second types in the heart muscle, bronchi, and blood vessels. Under the influence of propranolol, the effect of the sympathetic nervous system on the heart is weakened, which is manifested by a decrease in the frequency and strength of contractions. Due to the membrane stabilizing effect, the agent has an antihypoxic effect, reduces myocardial oxygen demand.

The antihypertensive effect is observed later than the antiarrhythmic one. First of all, the drug affects cardiac activity, restoring sinus rhythm, eliminating tachyarrhythmia.

Produce "Propranolol" in tablet form of 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 mg, or in ampoules for injection. The dosage of "Anaprilin" for tachycardia ranges from 0.01 (10 mg) to 40 mg, with a maximum daily dose of 300 mg, divided into 3-6 doses. The period of elimination of "Propranolol" reaches 3-6 hours, with long-term treatment 12 hours, which is taken into account when calculating the frequency of administration against the background of arrhythmia. To prevent overdose, the instructions should be followed after receiving the recommendations of a cardiologist or therapist.

Rules of use for tachycardia

Tachyarrhythmia is a violation of the sinus rhythm with an increase in its frequency over 90 beats per minute. The active ingredient propranolol hydrochloride affects the strength of myocardial excitability, reduces activity in the sinus node, which helps to restore the heart rate. Thus, "Anaprilin" reduces the heart rate and normalizes the heart rate. However, in case of an overdose of the drug, bradycardia may develop, a marked slowing of the heart rate of less than 45 beats per minute.

Under the action of the drug, impulse conduction slows down, the activity of excitation foci, which cause pathological tachycardia, decreases, and therefore "Anaprilin" is used to treat cardiac arrhythmias. Shown at:

  • sinus tachycardia;
  • rhythm disturbances in VSD, menopause, hyperthyroidism;
  • supraventricular arrhythmias;
  • tachysystolic fibrillation;
  • paroxysmal atrial fibrillation;
  • extrasystole emanating from the ventricles, atria;
  • sympathoadrenal crisis with concomitant pathology.

The principle of action of beta-blockers on the example of "Concor"

The antiarrhythmic drug "Bisoprolol" also has an antihypertensive and antianginal effect. It is released in a dosage of 5, 10 mg. It acts on the first type of beta-blockers in the heart muscle and bronchi of a person, due to which it is selective, does not affect the contractility of peripheral vessels and does not have a sympathomimetic effect. This reduces the risk of developing bradycardia and arterial spasm when taken.

When taking "Bisoprolol" blood pressure decreases, oxygen saturation of the body improves. As a result of a selective effect on the beta receptors of the heart, the frequency of contractions is reduced, the conduction of electrical impulses is slowed down, and the rhythm is restored. The drug is effective for the relief of sinus tachycardia, treatment of patients with hypertension, ischemic disease and angina attacks.

The exception for taking "Bisoprolol" is severe cardiovascular pathology, decompensated heart failure and blockade of 2-3 degrees.

Features of the use of "Concor" for tachycardia

Prescribe a highly selective drug "Concor" for tachycardia, coronary artery disease and insufficiency with dysfunction of the left ventricle of the heart. This is the original and registered German medicine, available in 2.5, 5 and 10 mg tablets. The active ingredient is bisoprolol, a selective beta-1 blocker. This means that the drug has a blocking effect exclusively on the first type of receptors in the myocardium of the heart and in the kidneys, due to which it begins to act quickly, exhibits the necessary antiarrhythmic and antianginal effect.

"Concor" does not act on the beta-2-receptors of the bronchi and vascular walls, which reduces the risk of side effects, bronchial spasm, and the appearance of cough when taking the medication. However, it affects the receptors of the aorta and carotid sinus, and this is manifested by a decrease in blood output, a hypotensive effect. Under the influence of "Concor", the pulse decreases, its frequency, the strength of heart contractions, and blood flow are normalized. With prolonged use, it significantly improves the well-being of patients with ischemic disease.

Taking "Bisoprolol", "Concor" or "Anaprilin" for arrhythmias and tachycardia during pregnancy is allowed only after consultation with the attending doctor, taking into account the possible risks to the mother and fetus.


Diseases such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, pathology of the thyroid gland, heart, blood vessels and chronic ischemic disease can cause arrhythmias. The most effective is the drug treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. The main group of drugs is beta-blockers. Prescribe "Bisoprolol", "Concor" or "Anaprilin" with the appearance of a rapid heartbeat only after examination and determination of the type of arrhythmia. The scheme, frequency and duration of taking the pills is established by the attending cardiologist or therapist.