
Which doctor treats blood pressure and where to go

Many people experience high blood pressure problems due to stress, obesity, unhealthy diet, heredity and other factors. If such a deviation is not noticed in time, then it will develop into hypertension.

Dangerous symptoms

Hypertension is characterized not by isolated cases of increased rates, but by regular and persistent attacks. It is no longer so easy to stop them, taking a sedative will not have the desired effect. In such a situation, it is important to know which doctor is treating the pathological pressure, so that if symptoms of the disease are detected, immediately contact him.

With increased rates, a person has various signs that become an impetus to go to the doctor. Among them are:

  • growing headache, especially in the occipital region;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • pressing pains in the chest;
  • rapid pulse;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased activity;
  • general weakness.

If one or more symptoms are found, blood pressure (BP) is measured. Normally, in humans, such indicators will be from 90/60 to 140/90 mm Hg. Art.

What is blood pressure and how to properly control it, see our video.

Particular attention is paid to young men under 20 and the elderly, whose blood pressure is steadily kept above the permissible values.

At this age, signs of hypertension are a consequence of other diseases, or they speak of a malignant form of the disease. Therefore, an urgent need to go to the hospital for examination.


A doctor who treats high blood pressure is a therapist. He should be consulted when symptoms of hypertension appear. To begin with, he will ask the following questions:

  • What are the symptoms of concern?
  • When was the first case of an increase in pressure detected?
  • Does the person suffer from apnea syndrome (stopping breathing during sleep)?
  • What medications are taking today?
  • What is the diet?
  • Is there physical activity?
  • What diseases does the patient suffer from?
  • Are there people in the family who have high blood pressure?
  • Are there complications of hypertension?
  • What are the risk factors for the development of the disease? These include addiction to bad habits, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol levels, and working conditions.
  • Is there sex life? If so, how often does the patient change partners?

The answers to them will help the pressure specialist to see the whole picture, to make better recommendations and a treatment regimen. Next, the therapist will conduct a medical examination, which includes the following stages:

  • probing and percussion. In medicine, they are called palpation and percussion. The purpose of these methods is to identify neoplasms or abnormalities that caused vascular clamping;
  • pressure measurement. Perform on both hands for a more accurate diagnosis;
  • determination of weight. The patient is weighed, and then the doctor determines the degree of obesity;
  • probing the thyroid gland;
  • heart rate measurement;
  • listening with a phonendoscope of the lungs and heart.

Arterial hypertension can be detected by interviewing and examining the patient. To determine the stage of hypertension and exclude its secondary type, the doctor will prescribe an examination.

Focusing on its results, it will become clear which doctor to contact with such a diagnosis.

At high pressure, the following studies are usually prescribed:

  • complete blood count;
  • study of the composition of blood serum to assess metabolic processes and functionality of internal organs;
  • a study of the lipid composition of blood to determine the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides;
  • microalbuminuria test to determine the condition of the kidneys.

If the therapist suspects the secondary nature of the disease or notices deviations, then he will refer to such instrumental examination methods:

  • dopplerography of cerebral vessels;
  • fundus examination;
  • computed and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • electrocardiogram, fluorography and ultrasound of the heart;
  • detailed urine analysis.

Additional tests performed will help identify or exclude problems with the cardiovascular system and kidneys. Most often, they are prescribed to patients under 20 and over 50 years old on the basis of a survey, examination and basic analyzes.

Therapist's help

The therapist will tell you which doctor will help you in the future. If the stage of the disease is not serious and the studies have ruled out other pathologies, then he will conduct an introductory conversation with the patient and advise on certain medications.

Usually the therapist gives the following recommendations:

  • do sport;
  • control pressure;
  • monitor weight;
  • eat right, reducing the amount of fatty foods in the diet to a minimum;
  • get enough sleep (at least six to eight hours a day);
  • do not abuse bad habits;
  • avoid stressful situations and overload.

If the pressure has increased once, then the therapist will recommend resting more and taking sedatives (valerian tincture).

The rest of the drugs are selected individually, depending on the degree of development of hypertension. Often, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and diuretics are combined. It is not recommended to take them on your own; in severe or uncertain cases, the consultation of a narrowly focused doctor is required.

Help from other doctors

The therapist may refer the patient to another specialist for examination or treatment. List of doctors who also treat hypertension:

  • cardiologist - they are referred to him in case of problems with the cardiovascular system. To begin with, the doctor will need the results of an electrocardiogram and echocardiography to find out about the state of the vessels. Based on the data received, the doctor will draw up a treatment regimen and advise the patient;
  • endocrinologist - a visit to him is required if problems with the thyroid gland are identified or sugar levels are elevated. Your doctor will need blood glucose, cholesterol, and insulin results. It is equally important to donate biomaterial for pituitary hormones, aldosterone and adrenaline. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will find the cause of the endocrine disruption and prescribe treatment and diet;
  • a neuropathologist - a therapist will refer to this specialist if the patient has high intracranial pressure. The neuropathologist will advise you to undergo an angiography of the cerebral vessels in order to identify the cause of the disorder and prescribe additional examinations if necessary;
  • nephrologist - if, with a persistent increase in pressure, there are no other symptoms and disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system, more often the problem is hidden in the kidneys. The nephrologist will need the results of an ultrasound of the kidneys and tests - urine for protein and blood for creatinine. The obtained indicators will help to find the cause of the failure in blood circulation and outflow of urine (tumor, kidney stone or kidney failure).

Finding out who is treating hypertension in an individual case is quite simple if you contact a therapist at your place of residence. He will conduct an examination, identify the cause of the problem and, if necessary, refer you to a narrow specialist for consultation and prescription of treatment. If the question is about the wrong lifestyle or stress, then the therapist will help on their own.