
Dr. Myasnikov: how to treat hypertension?

Hypertension is one of the most common diseases today. Many are looking for an effective method of helping the sick. Dr. Myasnikov is a respected specialist who offers an integrated approach. He publishes programs and blogs, where he describes how to treat the disease efficiently, to control his own condition, because hypertension cannot be completely cured. It is a chronic illness.

About the doctor

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich is a practicing doctor who has a long record of work and a lot of regalia, allowing him to treat patients at the best level. He is a PhD in Medicine and a US Doctor of Medicine, a physician of the highest category.

Myasnikov's main specialization is cardiology and family medicine. In the Moscow City Clinical Hospital No. 71, he works as the chief physician. Practices in his own clinic.

Dr. Myasnikov often advises foreign colleagues. They turn to him for help of a cardiological nature. The goal of Alexander Myasnikov is to inform people about the dangers of cardiac diseases and hypertension as well.

Therefore, the doctor conducts a television program "On the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov." The medical radio program "Consultations of Doctor Myasnikov" is also on the air.

These programs are helpful because people are usually the last person to see a doctor. Therefore, listening to and reviewing such programs, they learn about the causes, symptoms and complications of pathologies, modern methods of treatment.

In addition to participating in television and radio programs, Dr. Myasnikov has written many books on hypertension and other diseases. They tell about various ailments of the cardiovascular system, infectious and oncological pathologies and, in general, about medicine and medicines. There are seven of them. For those who are sick with hypertension, or who are interested in this topic, the following publications are useful:

  • "On the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov";
  • "How to Live More Than 50 Years: An Honest Talk with Your Doctor about Medicines and Medicine."

Treatment according to Myasnikov

The doctor claims that each patient needs to be prescribed treatment individually. You cannot prescribe drugs according to a template. In this case, many factors are important, and the doctor must take them into account (tolerance). How to help patients with hypertension using Myasnikov's methods? The doctor denotes the basic principles:

  • therapy should be combined. This means that a person with hypertension takes several drugs with different mechanisms of action;
  • continuity of treatment. With hypertension, medication courses are not suitable, a person drinks medications on an ongoing basis;
  • the adequacy of the treatment, which consists in the fact that the drugs lower blood pressure to normal - 120/80 mm Hg. Art. For this, continuous treatment is prescribed.

Drug therapy

Myasnikov prescribes different groups of drugs to patients. Drug treatment includes beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, and other drugs. The therapy according to the principles of Alexander Myasnikov includes three or four drugs. One antihypertensive drug is prescribed in exceptional cases (and then, if combined). Today they are produced frequently, they contain several active substances.

Myasnikov focuses a lot on the medication regimen. He recommends taking one of the drugs before bed. Nocturnal hypertension is common and dangerous. The prognosis for this condition is unfavorable.

Dr. Myasnikov talks a lot about hypertension and insists that the use of drugs with prolonged action should not be used. They are usually ineffective, since the influence of not a single remedy will last for 24 hours, or they are simply not enough for the manifestation of hypertension. Prescribe medicines for double use - every 12 hours.

Myasnikov advises to take the drugs twice, and this is justified. His work experience proves that if a person is prescribed to drink medications three times a day, then only 30% of patients comply with the regimen. The rest unintentionally miss at least one reception. This happens for a variety of reasons. Myasnikov claims that such failures are very harmful to humans. The doctor adheres to many of the principles of traditional medicine.

Some people are shocked by the doctor's words about lifelong drug therapy, and they are looking for other specialists. Myasnikov claims that this is not scary. Correctly selected treatment keeps the pressure normal, and at the same time complications such as hypertensive crisis, stroke, heart attack, heart failure do not appear. This statement of the doctor proves that modern antihypertensive drugs with a minimum number of side effects, which are extremely rare.

Sometimes patients with hypertension are treated with courses, and from time to time they have to go to the hospital, as complications appear. Alexander Myasnikov does not recommend such treatment. The doctor explains that hypertensive patients are admitted to the hospital, who have an exacerbation. This can be avoided by taking the medication on an ongoing basis.

Effective folk recipes

Doctor Myasnikov in television and radio broadcasts talks more about modern medicines and surgical treatment of hypertension. He also often touches on the topic of traditional medicine methods. At the same time, Myasnikov does not recommend confusing it with the advice of grandmothers. This method must also be taken very seriously.

How to treat hypertension with traditional medicine? There are enough recipes that can and should be used for such a disease. But you cannot assign them yourself. This is done only by a doctor.

Dr. Myasnikov claims that with the help of herbal medicine they get rid of hypertension, but only if it is still at the initial stage of development.

He notes several rules for herbal treatment:

  • it is better to buy all herbs from reliable people, since the medicinal effect depends on the quality of the raw materials;
  • collecting herbs for hypertension should only be prescribed by a qualified doctor. They strictly adhere to the dosages and regimens of this medication;
  • during phytotherapy, it is necessary to come to the doctor so that he monitors the patient's condition and fixes the results of therapy;
  • herbs, like medicines, have a number of contraindications, so before prescribing the doctor will make sure that they are not there.

Alexander Myasnikov notes that if the collection of herbs is correctly selected, then with its help blood vessels are strengthened, blood circulation is normalized, atherosclerotic plaques are reduced, and tissue regeneration processes are activated.

The collection, which has proven its effectiveness, is “Monastic tea”. It is effective to drink this combination of herbs together with medications. According to Dr. Myasnikov, medications only eliminate the symptoms of the disease and have almost no effect on its causes. And plants act in a complex on the whole organism, increasing its defenses and enhancing cell regeneration. The "Monastic Tea" contains such herbs that have no contraindications, and already in the correct proportions.

Expert advice

Alexander Myasnikov insists that conservative therapy is needed for hypertension. But in addition to drugs and medicinal herbs, a person needs to adhere to the correct lifestyle. The development of hypertension is influenced by many factors, and it is not enough to take prescribed medications.

Dr. Myasnikov notes that the patient must still:

  • start moving actively, since hypertension in many people manifests itself due to physical inactivity.At the same time, they choose what is most suitable for everyone: morning exercises, walking, therapeutic exercises, dancing;
  • people with a lot of weight must definitely lose it, for this it is worth adhering to a healthy lifestyle. Each extra pound increases your blood pressure by 2 mm Hg. Art .;
  • it is impossible to abuse alcoholic beverages, nicotine and caffeine;
  • it is important to avoid psycho-emotional stress, since stress provokes changes in the body that increase blood pressure;
  • proper nutrition, consisting in the minimum intake of fat and salt.

If all this is observed, then hypertension manifests itself rarely and not intensively, and medications act faster. But when such factors are ignored, the disease progresses actively.

Doctor Myasnikov devotes enough time to the therapy of hypertension, since it is very common today. Many people heal themselves, and this leads to dire consequences. The doctor insists that people, at the very first manifestations, turn to a specialist and take the drugs prescribed by him according to the scheme. Sometimes the drugs are not suitable for the patient, then the doctor selects a different therapy, and this is normal. Adhering to the recommendations of Myasnikov, a person improves health and lives a full life.