Throat ailments

How to cure tonsillitis at home

The disease is characterized by a serious inflammatory process of the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx and palatine tonsils. Experts consider hemolytic streptococcus, bacteria, fungi and viruses to be a provocateur of tonsillitis. Through air exchange, a harmful pathogen is transmitted, which enters the body of a healthy person from an infected person or carrier.

Healthy drinks

  • For cooking, you need to mix 50 ml of melted honey with a pinch of salt and squeezed lemon juice and place the whole mixture in one glass of water at room temperature. Tea should be consumed more than three times a day.
  • Combine 200 ml of hot milk with a quarter teaspoon of ground black pepper and turmeric. This mixture is consumed after three hours for about three days.
  • For the performance of the immune system and the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in adults, a mixture of three types of juice is used: from cucumber, beet and carrot.
  • It is necessary to boil the milk and add 20 grams of violet color to it. After straining, milk is drunk in several steps. The violet color is fried in oil and compresses on the throat are made with gauze; it is not recommended for pregnant women to use it.
  • To prevent infection from entering the body and improve immunity, tea with ginger is used. To prepare the recipe, you will need finely grated ginger root, one fresh lemon and a couple of garlic cloves. All components are placed in a container with a lid, pour 500 ml of water. The mixture is heated over low heat for a quarter of an hour, then it is cooled and mixed with a spoonful of honey. It is necessary to use the infusion after eating, this remedy has no contraindications.

To relieve exacerbation of a chronic form of malaise, use a drink from comfrey leaves. 2-3 tablespoons of chopped comfrey insist on a liter of boiling water, then grated ginger root is added to the infusion. Add honey or sugar to the cooled tea. The broth is safe for pregnant and lactating women.

  • For the recipe, you need to boil three large spoons of fenugreek seeds in half a liter of water for about thirty minutes. Let the broth brew and cool, then strain and use as a rinse more than twice a day.
  • St. John's wort in dry and grated form is brewed in boiled water in the ratio of one tablespoon of a table plant to half a liter of water. The resulting tea is used every 2-3 hours for a course of up to seven days.


For therapeutic purposes, for diseases of the tonsils, rinsing of the throat can be used. To quickly cure tonsil disease you will need:

  1. Two tablespoons of dry yarrow for one hour insist on a glass of boiled water, then rinse about 5 times a day.
  2. Tonsillitis can be treated with a collection of linden blossom, chamomile and oak bark, which is boiled in 200 ml of warm water for about 5 minutes. Herbs are taken in a ratio of 1: 3: 2, and after insisting, a spoonful of honey is added to the broth and used about five times a day.
  3. To quickly get rid of the unpleasant process of inflammation in the tonsils, a decoction of dry color of potatoes will help, which must be used as rinses by course use for about 10 days at least 3 times a day.
  4. Ordinary boiled water combined with a small amount of basil oil drops can quickly relieve inflammation.
  5. As a rinse, grated dry eucalyptus leaves are used, which are taken in a glass of boiled water, kept for an hour and used every three hours.
  6. A solution of apple cider vinegar, which is dissolved in a ratio of 1:10 in warm boiled water, is capable of relieving pain in adults.
  7. You can treat inflammation of the tonsils with a decoction of all kinds of herbs with medicinal effects, such as calendula, chamomile, linden blossom, sage.
  8. Tonsillitis in adults can be cured with lemon juice dissolved in a 1: 2 ratio with warm water.
  9. Freshly squeezed horseradish root juice dissolved in warm water is used as a solution for rinsing.
  10. It is possible to carry out the procedure with a solution of manganese, iodine and yarrow tincture.

A tincture is made from dry yarrow to gargle the mucous membrane of the throat. It is necessary to pour three tablespoons of tablespoons of the crushed plant with one glass of hot water, after which the contents are left for a couple of hours. It is allowed to use at any age, without restrictions.


Inhalation with the following components has excellent therapeutic properties during tonsillitis:

  • Aloe.
  • Chamomile.
  • Sage.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Hypericum.

Tonsillitis can be cured by using inhalations with the addition of oils:

  • Basilic.
  • Pikhtovy.
  • Sea buckthorn.

Additional recipes

  1. Garlic has been used by people for a long time to treat infectious viral diseases. Tonsillitis symptoms are relieved by using garlic tonsil trays. For the recipe, you need to grate a clove of garlic and combine it with one dessert spoon of propolis, adding a spoonful of water. The prepared mass is carefully spread over the surface of the cleaned lacunae using cotton swabs.
  2. Often used for the treatment of tonsillitis in adults, oral administration, which is necessary to cure the disease and increase immunity. It is necessary to use aloe leaf by squeezing it into a bowl. During the course, on an empty stomach, consume a teaspoon of aloe gruel. In parallel, the patient is advised to lubricate the tonsils with aloe juice (1 part), coupled with flower honey (3 parts). This ointment is applied before meals and left for 15 minutes.
  3. You can treat tonsillitis with a recipe based on carnation flowers. It will take a small number of buds of this plant to pour a glass of boiled water. Under the lid, such an infusion must be kept for more than two hours. You need to drink it in 2-3 doses.
  4. The disease can be cured by applying homeopathy, which can be attributed to an effective and harmless recipe. At the manifestation of the first symptoms: an increase in temperature, a characteristic chill, lethargy, "Aconite" is recommended. If the temperature rises, the patient needs to use "Brionia" and "Belladonna", or less often "Ipecacuana".

Chronic tonsillitis can be treated with Mercurius or Gepar Sulfur, but these drugs cannot be combined.

  1. It is necessary to combine one part of propolis and ten parts of butter, for fourteen days, approximately fifteen grams of the obtained substance should be consumed. The recipe can be used by women during lactation, as well as in the first and third trimester of pregnancy.
  2. For the recipe, it is necessary to insist a teaspoon of propolis in a place protected from light, along with half a glass of an alcohol solution. In ready-made form or diluted with warmed milk, use a few drops three times a day.
  3. The easiest way to use propolis is to absorb it in the mouth. Such use is absolutely safe for women in position.

Local lubrication

Treating tonsillitis at home can be done by lubricating the mucous membrane of the throat. To treat inflammation in adults, the following components must be used:

  • The juice of one clove of garlic, dissolved in water.
  • Sea buckthorn oil.
  • Flower honey combined with the juice of a couple of aloe leaves in a ratio of 3: 1 (recommended to use on an empty stomach).
  • Fir oil, as it has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.
  • Fresh black radish juice, dissolved in a spoonful of honey (in a ratio of 1: 3).
  • Propolis tincture (allowed to use in the absence of an allergic reaction).
  • Lugol (in the form of release as a solution or spray).
  • St. John's wort as oil (for the recipe you will need 100 ml of crushed plant in a dry form, pour 200 ml of flax, olives or almond oil, soak for 21 days, filter and place in the cold. This oil is used to lubricate the tonsils prone to inflammation).

Exercises to combat tonsillitis

It is necessary to observe local gymnastics when treating tonsillitis. The "lion" pose will help to treat the disease. The effect will appear only in the case of regular and correct performance. Exercise provides a therapeutic effect due to the rush of blood.

It is necessary to make a strong exhalation, while stressing the whole body, but mainly the throat. Next, you should open your mouth wide, strain and stick out your tongue, touching your chin. The characteristic position should be maintained for 7-9 seconds. The exercise is performed up to 10 times.